Kate Upton has the world’s best bum

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Upton has the #1 worst "bum"...
$!@+ this dude talkin bout quality? this ain't shoes. i don't wanna look at that!
and the other 8 on there shouldn't with the amount of hamstrings they have.

What ever happened to Vida? I take it she never did porn because I'm pretty sure I signed up to a real-time alert newsletter back in the day.
She be on those weird shows on Telemundo that people watch sometimes not knowing what the %@*+ they're saying because the women are always so hot and borderline naked
Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

Kate is sexy, no 2 ways about it- no doubt she can sit on the face. I'm a little surprised at how nice they made her derrier look in that pic- its a great pic. But I can think of better "bums" all day. Sofia's is better, Eva Mendes' is better, Biel's is better- i could go on
But if she were to sit on your face, would anything be on your face?
Maybe the british people have different standards from Americans? They probably get intimidated by big bums.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

Kate is sexy, no 2 ways about it- no doubt she can sit on the face. I'm a little surprised at how nice they made her derrier look in that pic- its a great pic. But I can think of better "bums" all day. Sofia's is better, Eva Mendes' is better, Biel's is better- i could go on
But if she were to sit on your face, would anything be on your face?
Spoiler [+]

@ people not seeing through this.

its just promotion. Kate will be the "it" girl for the next 5 years and lists like this just promote who she is.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

*+@+ outta here.
Originally Posted by MrBrown

I think quality won here....

And they judged 'bum' not silicon %*!

Not bad... How the !%%! did Minaj make it tho... She shouldnt even be in the list.
Just leave. Don't even try to say anything else. Just go.

You disgust me.

Lmao, this dude said quality, the only chick on that list who has developed glutes is Kim, a chick with no fat on her butt and no glute development is as bad as a chick with too much fat on her but with no glute development, it's both bad quality because theyre not fit (well technically the fat girl has bigger muscles because they need to hold up the weight but that's still whack because she's fat)
When white people make a list talking about a woman's curve of any sort, it's not to be trusted.
Originally Posted by Weekz

When white people make a list talking about a woman's curve of any sort, it's not to be trusted.

see why do you have to go there? Why do you feel that things like this are okay to say?
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