:rofl: at the Jay "fans" in here claiming two entirely different things.

1) That his verse was great (it wasn't).

2) That he intentionally contributed an average verse out of some sense of deferment to Kendrick which is quite possibly the most asinine argument made by Jay "fans" not named Antidope or Deuce King about anything related in any way to Jay-Z.

Bottom line is Jay's delivery is terrible on almost every song he gets on at this point. It has been this way since Kingdom Come...
Gotta admit it Kendrick got the better of him. How many times has Jay been clearly outshined in a track? Only obvious one i can think of is renegade. Guess from now on Jay aint letting anyone lay a verse after he is done with his.
Am I the only one who didn't like GKMC at all? 100% serious.
Great concept and lyrics but I just can't get over the guy's voice. Obviously Kendrick is an extremely talented guy but his music is just not for me.
That being said I like that ***** Don't Kill My Vibe remix. His second verse was 10/10 and that's coming from someone who can barely stand to listen to the guy.

Im think jay-z verse is too nice. Not a huge jay-z head like that, but that verse nice. I like kendricks first verse better than the second.
IMO the remix killed the vibe (lol) of the original song.

Original was very chill and mellow. Doesn't really fit with the two dudes trying to go in lyrically.
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