Ketchup chips? Vol. Dima & other Canadian Nters... what the hell?

Originally Posted by bkdan1


Originally Posted by MikeTysontheKiller

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

f- all that noise

mexico got apple soda made by coke

and nacho cheese doritos have hint of jalapeno

both quite amazing.
Manzanita Gold

Man you guys are missing out on those Incognito Doritos from Mexico.
They're the truth


and street churros and donuts are also quite on point....
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

It really seems like other countries get better/more interesting snacks/drinks than the US.
At least Japan does, they got it on lock!

Europe has some really good things too.
I need to get my hands on this

Looks dope
i know the reg stuff we got in the US is crackk already
Originally Posted by TheBachellor






Can someone tell me what the hell Frito Lays was thinking? At least they know better than to bring that garbage down to the states
You're trippin'... It's like eating french fries with ketchup.... $@$%!
wallgreen has some Burger King ketchup flavored snacks in the US Panama also has some Mayo chips even lemon ones but the best are the balsamic vinegar andshallots ones from France
There's a place in NY that sells poutine. But whatever the white stuff is, it looks like marshmallow sauce to me, I always hesitated. I'll stop by whenit gets warmer.

And Herr's Ketchup Chips are AMAZING. I always wondered why I never see them anymore.
Poutine is so damn good it's ridiculous, but it's a heart attack waiting to happen
Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE


Nice ad.

I mist New York Fries
probably the only thing i miss from Canada, that and ketchup Chips
what exactly is poutine?

i thought it was sweet from the pic, but apparently, it's hearty?
^Its fries, topped with gravy and cheese curds. Its absolutely fantastic
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

I'm probably way out of place in this post, seeing as how all the snacks posted have some sort of European connection. I will say that during my childhood in Panama we had some of the best, non-nutritious food I ever had in my life!
Chocolate Frosted Flakes, super sweet Coca-Cola, bubble gum with syrup that came out once you bit the middle... Just so much stuff. Five years wasn't enough time for me to try it all.

i'm gonna need a box of those chocolate frosted flakes ASAP...they have/had slurpee gum with slurpee in the middle
You and Mastamind already know... It was dumb expensive compared to the older Kellogg's cereals in the supermarkets off-post, but definitely worth it.

And that Slurpee gum sounds nasty. The ones we had in Panama actually tasted good, though. Go figure.
What other good snacks/drinks do they have?

Also I remember being in Canada and going to McDonald's and they had this lobster sandwich
I think my dad might have tried it but do they still have that?

These are crack btw

There's just so much random stuff that I could think of, that I would probably be up all night trying to think of it all. For example, theclimate in Central and South America is perfect for growing tropical fruits, so we had tropical fruit everything: Mango candy, mango gum, mango flavored soda,and best of all, super ripe mangos.

Then, when we get to the States my family and I saw how expensive they were.
Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

I'm probably way out of place in this post, seeing as how all the snacks posted have some sort of European connection. I will say that during my childhood in Panama we had some of the best, non-nutritious food I ever had in my life!
Chocolate Frosted Flakes, super sweet Coca-Cola, bubble gum with syrup that came out once you bit the middle... Just so much stuff. Five years wasn't enough time for me to try it all.

i'm gonna need a box of those chocolate frosted flakes ASAP...they have/had slurpee gum with slurpee in the middle
You and Mastamind already know... It was dumb expensive compared to the older Kellogg's cereals in the supermarkets off-post, but definitely worth it.

And that Slurpee gum sounds nasty. The ones we had in Panama actually tasted good, though. Go figure.
What other good snacks/drinks do they have?

Also I remember being in Canada and going to McDonald's and they had this lobster sandwich
I think my dad might have tried it but do they still have that?

These are crack btw

There's just so much random stuff that I could think of, that I would probably be up all night trying to think of it all. For example, the climate in Central and South America is perfect for growing tropical fruits, so we had tropical fruit everything: Mango candy, mango gum, mango flavored soda, and best of all, super ripe mangos.

Then, when we get to the States my family and I saw how expensive they were.
The states are really missing out

Except if you know of certain markets.
I remember someone telling me about mangos, it can remember from where but they said the ones in the states can't compare at all.
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