Kevin Hart or Katt Williams?

Originally Posted by GRyPR33

Kevin. No question.
"2+2 not knowin what the **** it is b#%*$!"
"Long t****-no nipple havin b#%@#!"

Ya'll dudes sayin Kev isn't funny must be those grumpy hate the world types. I guarantee no one in this thread could spend a day around Kevin Hart and not laugh til tears came out. Even in casual conversation dude is hilarious.
Originally Posted by Jello B Afro

both of these turds are two of the most unfunny "comedians" on the planet

making a dumb remark and following it up with some kind of shrill shriek for effect is not comedy
"Alright, alright, alright..."
Naw but seriously...who's his competition bro? 

Everything Katt did was 100% written for him.

Kev, started story tellin n his career took off plus Kev is funnier
Kevin Hart off of his Foxxhole Radio appearances and Youtube videos alone is better than Katt's career.
katt williams filled in the void for that era when dave.c was gone

he was funny as hell like as in "real life" stories and stuff like

seen em live and was nothing but laughs cause he tellls real stuff you can tell he is a conspiracy head tho which helps

kevin is doing the same now ....fillin the empty void

he is good too give em props
I gotta go with Kevin Hart right now, but Katt Williams was that dude couple years ago with Pimp Chronicles everybody was reciting his jokes but now he fell on hard times.
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