Kevin Johnson Mayor of Sac?

Aug 8, 2006
I was watching the news and it seems Kevin Johnson [Former Pheonix Suns PG] wants to run for Mayor of Sac.
what do yall think
Much Props to him if he do it but not a big fan of dude after he did some shady stuff to my homie...
If he won't take care of his own properties in Oak Park, what do you think he'd do to the city. It would be sick if he built his whole campaignaround his dunk on Hakeem

His Oak Park efforts have been only somewhat succesful...right?
^ I concur.

My biggest gripe is with Moe Mohanna. This guy's an idiot and I hope the
city is able to acquire property in the K Street Mall through eminent domain.
That place is a gold mine and could possibly be quite an attraction if revitalized.

I'm sorry, but Oak Park is a lost cause. So many efforts to re-establish it to
a respectable neighborhood is such a far fetched notion these days. Can't blame
Johnson for even trying. People have tried to clean up that area and wind up
getting their homes burned down or burglarized.
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