Kevin Samuels Dead at 56

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Modern women want to be treated like our grandmothers and great grandmothers of yesteryear but… they don’t have the same self respect or class that our grandmothers had. Same can be said for men.

Look at your grandmothers/grandparents that are in their 60s, 70s, 80s, etc.

…. Those women will be extinct soon. A lot of women want a chivalrous dude, but aren’t deserving of it. That’s the crux of modernity
This gotta be a skit. Cause After that last line she uttered, He should have left her right then and there. You can't let no chick disrespect you like that.

I got that impression too with that last line.

But to the actual topic.. it costs me nothing to walk on the outside of the sidewalk and it doesnt even have to be a woman I'm dating. It could be a female coworker.
Modern women want to be treated like our grandmothers and great grandmothers of yesteryear but… they don’t have the same self respect or class that our grandmothers had. Same can be said for men.

Look at your grandmothers/grandparents that are in their 60s, 70s, 80s, etc.

…. Those women will be extinct soon. A lot of women want a chivalrous dude, but aren’t deserving of it. That’s the crux of modernity

who wouldn’t want to able to change the rules of engagement based on the context that benefits/disadvantages them? also i think the men & women of yesteryear, while they had an understanding of their different place/roles, the proof is in the pudding that they raised the daughters to be different…specifically as it relates those women of previous era(s), tho i’m sure fathers of that era & certainly now too felt similarly, they could engage in a sort of counterfactual thinking, ‘if only i had more freedom(s) as woman, i would be more happy/fulfilled’ which they could never really know…and thus raised their daughter to be prepared for a world where women would compete with men and less on how to be with men

much of the data seems to be trending the other way, where supposedly women have generally been reporting that they are less fulfilled/happy (which makes sense, more opportunities, means more opportunity costs, more second guessing, more regrets, more chances to fail, even if having more agency is something everyone would want)…i remember many years ago reading a book called ‘the end of men’ and discussing some of the concepts in it with acquaintances, friends & co-workers, men & women alike and while they could all basically agree with the premise everyone thought that they themselves & the people they knew were the exemptions to what was presented, it was super interesting stuff
Gotta be a skit.

Either way...


Whenever I see women with that much makeup (especially those rocking lashes and a lace front)...


Out here living like Zartan in these streets. :smh:
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Honest people.

you say that but cognitive dissonance allows people to believe in conflicting ideals without dishonesty…it is perhaps one of humanity’s greatest strengths. there are so many competing messages women specifically are receiving (men too, but arguably much less so) that selectively choosing based on some condition/circumstance is not only seems logical but actually prudent
you say that but cognitive dissonance allows people to believe in conflicting ideals without dishonesty…it is perhaps one of humanity’s greatest strengths. there are so many competing messages women specifically are receiving (men too, but arguably much less so) that selectively choosing based on some condition/circumstance is not only seems logical but actually prudent

What Is Cognitive Dissonance?​

The term cognitive dissonance is used to describe the mental discomfort that results from holding two conflicting beliefs, values, or attitudes. People tend to seek consistency in their attitudes and perceptions, so this conflict causes feelings of unease or discomfort.

"you say that but cognitive dissonance allows <dishonest> people to believe in conflicting ideals without dishonesty discomfort."



Hypocrisy is the practice of engaging in the same behavior or activity for which one criticizes another or the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform. In moral psychology, it is the failure to follow one's own expressed moral rules and principles.
This 19 keys dude gives me pure scammer vibes. Anyone know anything about son? His vibe just feels off for something as serious and helpful as EYL is.
I ordered a headband from him when he first popped up. I initially thought it was the Kufi Hon. Elijah Muhammad used to wear. After ordering, I found it was the head band and just let it ride cause it was ordered. The head band never arrived. I was in Atlanta at the time and he referred me to his sister who was supposed to deliver one personally. She never did and I ended up charging it back with my bank.

I know people who know him personally and I have worked with some of the people he’s still working with. Judge the spirit by the spirit. Stay away from anything dealing with Queen Afua. I was low key disappointed their brand leaked over to Earn Your Leisure. I feel like the quality has suffered because of it, which tends to be the case when certain faces start to pop up.

Fun facts, 19 Keys was in Sorry to Bother You before he became more known. I always thought that was peculiar

What Is Cognitive Dissonance?​

The term cognitive dissonance is used to describe the mental discomfort that results from holding two conflicting beliefs, values, or attitudes. People tend to seek consistency in their attitudes and perceptions, so this conflict causes feelings of unease or discomfort.

"you say that but cognitive dissonance allows <dishonest> people to believe in conflicting ideals without dishonesty discomfort."



Hypocrisy is the practice of engaging in the same behavior or activity for which one criticizes another or the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform. In moral psychology, it is the failure to follow one's own expressed moral rules and principles.

i see that rationale, hypocrisy is sometimes accepted, i.e double standards…i just don’t know that the discomfort or unease is always actually explicitly linked to a specific conflicting belief and there are times where the context does explicitly dictate the behavior/practice people can & will change up depending on the circumstances/setting (work, home, public, private, etc.) so perhaps cognitive dissonance is too strong a term for it?

Pull up to a spot and without fail you would see multiple dudes rocking that fit at a function like a uniform :lol:

re: mens fashion, if you can put together something with decent style sense, even if it is completely off the mannequin from 5 years ago…you’re going to be gucci for most women and even the ones that would judge you for it would at least give you points 😂.

fashion is definitely a double standard i’m here for 😂
I was low key disappointed their brand leaked over to Earn Your Leisure. I feel like the quality has suffered because of it, which tends to be the case when certain faces start to pop up.

I'm curious as to why people still hold them in such regard. They've had fake gurus like Him500 on who taught bank fraud and have been accused of payola essentially.
Your cap on so tight you missing the point. If it takes 2 then means both parties should be held accountable for their mistakes and women are not.

Loosen your doorag a bit. Women do get held accountable. Your anecdotes mean nothing. Men make excuses for ruining their relationships all the time instead of taking responsibility.
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