Kid Slaps His Mother On T.V VOL- yes im late but still damn shocking

We've talked abo......


Worst parenting ever. I understand parenting is tough, but damn--she clearly lets the kid walk all over her on the regular. Otherwise, he wouldn't dareslap her and talk to her like that.

I blame her.

And dude would've been tackled out his chair if that was me.
My kid even attempts to hit me, he's getting a clean belt shot to the face.
this is crazy. honestly, it the moms fault. she didnt even do anything. all she does is just argue and argue and nothing else. SHE needs to step up and do herjob as a mother.
Not that I condone the little dude for smacking his mom....

but really, she friggin deserved it.
She was just trying to talk over him and not let him get a word in.
That little porker would have gotten that Sweet Chin Music if that was me. I dont play that %$!*. i will beat a kids %!$ in a heartbeat.
if my kid did that to me i would straight tombstone the dude then follow it with the peoples elbow ain't no way any kid should be treating their parentslike that.
Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

As long as were posting late stuff....bwahahhaa

yeah you are
no i'm not
yeah you are
I still to this day�don't understand�how he happened to have on the same exact suit as Dr. Phil.

Quit bringing up *$@+%$@ race. I'm a white guy and my mom would have beat the @!!% out of me... Has nothing to do with race, just how easily yourmother/father can get trampled on by their kid...

Other then that, I lol'd... Not my child, not my problem..
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