Kim Kardashian gets a predator missile dropped on her...

Jan 30, 2007
... made of flour


Kim Kardashian was assaulted Thursday night by a woman who threw white powder all over her, and it was concerning enough to call out the fire department.
Kim was at the London Hotel in West Hollywood for an event touting her new fragrance line, True Reflection. She was walking the red carpet when a woman threw the white powder at her from behind, covering her back and her hair.

Kim went to a private room, took the jacket off, brushed the powder off her hair and returned to the event. But the fire department had to examine the powder and deal with any possible danger.

They determined it was cooking flour.

The women who threw the powder has been detained by cops.





i saw on another site "probably powdered semen"

if this is not a publicity stunt thats horrible and whoever did that is crazy...

she took it well...i thought she'd cry...

who was that lady? her accent is hilarious...
#!*?? where her security at?? if i was security i wouldve cracked someones skull that night..

That *%#@+* humpries prob paid someone 10gs to do that %!@$
I'm no fan of Kim K, but seriously, why do people do this dumb s---? You are no better by making a "statement" messing with anyone like that. What has Kim K ever done to you, that directly affected you in a negative way? Nobody is making you watch her shows, buy her makeup, etc. Just let it go. As much as we like to say unearned celebrity status is blight on society, going out of our way to make a statement against it is just as pathetic. Just let it go.
Woman Throws Flour on Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton & Nicole Richie hospitalized for snorting it!
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