Kim Kardashian gets a predator missile dropped on her...

kim looks
now ....waay too much work done to her face
I think Wale had something to do with this... A FLOUR BOMBing at a Fragrance release event?  "Flower (Flour) Bomb... let me guess your favorite fragrance..."
Or Not

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

I'm no fan of Kim K, but seriously, why do people do this dumb s---? You are no better by making a "statement" messing with anyone like that. What has Kim K ever done to you, that directly affected you in a negative way? Nobody is making you watch her shows, buy her makeup, etc. Just let it go. As much as we like to say unearned celebrity status is blight on society, going out of our way to make a statement against it is just as pathetic. Just let it go.

strong cosign.
Originally Posted by breezylocks

Real life...

Kim k used to be the hottest celeb to me... That facial surgery messed her up, got her looking like her mom smh
I would still like her vagina though
Originally Posted by sreggie101

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

I'm no fan of Kim K, but seriously, why do people do this dumb s---? You are no better by making a "statement" messing with anyone like that. What has Kim K ever done to you, that directly affected you in a negative way? Nobody is making you watch her shows, buy her makeup, etc. Just let it go. As much as we like to say unearned celebrity status is blight on society, going out of our way to make a statement against it is just as pathetic. Just let it go.

strong cosign.

I get people dont like her but come on you would think she murdered someone or something. 
I would have fought that broad, no queston ask.

 It does sound like she said fur hag.

That royal blue shirt
Originally Posted by vprbullet

I think Wale had something to do with this... A FLOUR BOMBing at a Fragrance release event?  "Flower (Flour) Bomb... let me guess your favorite fragrance..."
Or Not


at least you tried...

you'll miss 100% of the shots you don't take right?
Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

kim looks
now ....waay too much work done to her face

dont care about the face only the mass 

i guess shes used to white sprayed on her back
Some top-flight security they had on hand, lol. Getting paid to ogle/escort her away instead of preventing stuff from happening. Can't knock their hustle tho
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