"Kings" on NBC: Anybody Watch This?

Sep 15, 2008
It's basically what if America had a King in modern times. I think it's based off of the Biblical story of King David somewhat too.


I decided to peep it the other day, Not really expecting much, And it ended up being really good.

Dope concept, writing, and acting. It has more of a movie quality to it than a TV show.

Only thing is, It didn't really get good ratings, So unless they improve, It probably won't get past a couple episodes. It has potential tho.
Wanted to check it out when the commercials had a scene "you saved my son, you can have anything, even half the kingdom if you wanted". momentslater".........well half the kingdom it is".
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Wanted to check it out when the commercials had a scene "you saved my son, you can have anything, even half the kingdom if you wanted". moments later".........well half the kingdom it is".

This would probably do good on HBO...It seems too serious for NBC.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Wanted to check it out when the commercials had a scene "you saved my son, you can have anything, even half the kingdom if you wanted". moments later".........well half the kingdom it is".
Shorty in the red dress was on point.

I tried to catch it last night, but had to leave right after that scene.

I'll prolly catch up during spring break. Finals week is a +*%+$
i am diggin it. it just needs to go into details about why there is a monarchy isntead of democracy because it looks like its in the U.S.
Originally Posted by upstateboibeats

i am diggin it. it just needs to go into details about why there is a monarchy isntead of democracy because it looks like its in the U.S.
It's definitely a monarchy where people pay taxes etc.

And I think it's an imaginary U.S. with a lot of similarities to the real U.S.
Originally Posted by upstateboibeats

it just needs to go into details about why there is a monarchy isntead of democracy because it looks like its in the U.S.

in a flash back sort way over time , a la V for Vendetta maybe?
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Originally Posted by upstateboibeats

i am diggin it. it just needs to go into details about why there is a monarchy isntead of democracy because it looks like its in the U.S.
It's definitely a monarchy where people pay taxes etc.

And I think it's an imaginary U.S. with a lot of similarities to the real U.S.
yeah it feels like a "What if" situation...like what if the u.s. had a monarchy. I think they need to explain HOW it came to be amonarchy though. maybe its just me.
Originally Posted by upstateboibeats

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Originally Posted by upstateboibeats

i am diggin it. it just needs to go into details about why there is a monarchy isntead of democracy because it looks like its in the U.S.
It's definitely a monarchy where people pay taxes etc.

And I think it's an imaginary U.S. with a lot of similarities to the real U.S.
yeah it feels like a "What if" situation...like what if the u.s. had a monarchy. I think they need to explain HOW it came to be a monarchy though. maybe its just me.

I think they will...

Spoiler [+]
I think his half-brother helped him come to power after they won that war using money from Cross-Gen.

He was a war hero who had the people's support etc.

But yea, I believe they'll go into more detail about that.
"I'm going to kick your A S S FRANK!"



"Excuse me?"
I thought it was a pretty cool show. There's a lot of interesting plot points, I just hope it doesn't get canceled to fast.
Sorry Barack, its just that the guy playing the lead role was in Hot Rod and his step-son was always trying to pick a fight with him. ...I do find"Kings" very intresting though. WHen i watched the show, i just remembered his roles in Hot Rod and Death Race...

Originally Posted by funkdoctor73

Sorry Barack, its just that the guy playing the lead role was in Hot Rod and his step-son was always trying to pick a fight with him. ...I do find "Kings" very intresting though. WHen i watched the show, i just remembered his roles in Hot Rod and Death Race...

Oh ight, That reference was lost on me...I didn't see that movie...
Wow....the King tried to have his own son killed because he was ashamed of him.

"Is yous mad cuz yo son is a #$*?"

It's apparently a modern retelling of the story of King David.

Granted it's only the first episode, I enjoyed it.
imho... it was a great show... hope it doesn't get cancelled... great acting, and plot... and emotion... especially the part when david's bro died andhe walked right in front of those tanks and gave that speech... i was like wth!!
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Wow....the King tried to have his own son killed because he was ashamed of him.

"Is yous mad cuz yo son is a #$*?"

but naw he offered up a platoon for slaughter, notrecognizing it was his sons. Caught the first ep on hulu, looks epic, i'm hooked. I hope it has a finite run though, doesnt become a long drawn out show. Is it on tonight?

and it definitely is a retelling of king david.
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