Kissing a girl with a fresh tongue ring?

Died slow, u should've just went and played in traffic or cut your wrist it would've been much faster.
That's mad trifling and disgusting. Her wound is still prone to infection a few days after the piercing and your thirsty #+% just had to kiss her. She ajump anyway.
Originally Posted by Gully Gabe

Go to the clinic
you done messed yourself up now...smh
you was that desperate

When I read that in my head, it sounded like Meatwad.


Originally Posted by magneto621

Damn, this girl got her's 3-5 days ago and we kissed last night but it was 95% just with our lips because i knew of the ring but naturally we french kissed just a lil for a few seconds, will her tongue ring get infected now ? are the chances high?
before i clicked on this thread i was like, "this guys is gonna get ripped" and i click and he did......
oh ya.... really?
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