Kobe jumping after game 5 pics?

i was googling kobe game 5 magic pics, and i found this and i loled

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by Baalnood

He think he is m.j
so jordan has patents to jumping up in the air celebrations?

For that one, yes. It's not OP is the only one who noticed this. I think everyone who knows the game thought the exact thing. Maybe he wasn't trying toimitate him, but it sure did look like it.
Originally Posted by Shaq DIESEL 34

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by Baalnood

He think he is m.j
so jordan has patents to jumping up in the air celebrations?

For that one, yes. It's not OP is the only one who noticed this. I think everyone who knows the game thought the exact thing. Maybe he wasn't trying to imitate him, but it sure did look like it.
This man isn't lying.
Originally Posted by Shaq DIESEL 34

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by Baalnood

He think he is m.j
so jordan has patents to jumping up in the air celebrations?

For that one, yes. It's not OP is the only one who noticed this. I think everyone who knows the game thought the exact thing. Maybe he wasn't trying to imitate him, but it sure did look like it.

Originally Posted by Jules300

Originally Posted by Shaq DIESEL 34

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by Baalnood

He think he is m.j
so jordan has patents to jumping up in the air celebrations?

For that one, yes. It's not OP is the only one who noticed this. I think everyone who knows the game thought the exact thing. Maybe he wasn't trying to imitate him, but it sure did look like it.


Exactly how I feel; "Not this again".

If you ever picked up a basketball you have tried to imitate someone.
Originally Posted by chillainvillain



Yes he imitates MJ in everything he does.

Y'all fronting if you wanna act like this was just a random coincidence...but the bigger point is....who really who cares?

Imitating the greatest ain't such a bad thing and with what Kobe has left in the tank...people might have to seriously rethink the standings when all issaid and done.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by chillainvillain



Yes he imitates MJ in everything he does.

Y'all fronting if you wanna act like this was just a random coincidence...but the bigger point is....who really who cares?

Imitating the greatest ain't such a bad thing and with what Kobe has left in the tank...people might have to seriously rethink the standings when all is said and done.
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