**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

hayes not getting dnp's until vando comes back.

ham has no choice but to play him right now.

imagine thinking hayes would start tho lol
Hindsight is 20-20 isn't it tho.

So now Hayes gonna get DNP's when Vando returns. 😂😂😂🤡

So two months ago when you said Hayes would get DNP's all day long like your buddy Damian Jones, did you predict at that time too that Vando would get hurt? Rhetorical question just for you bro, so go ahead and ignore it, no response needed cause you wrong once again
Hayes brings energy to the game (not a surprise if you've ever seen him play) ... you need guys like that to bring a change of pace every now and then. Not good enough to start (which is overrated), but he shouldn't waste away on the bench either.

Anyhow, it's nice to have a backup center that looks like he actually enjoys playing basketball (unlike dudes such as Jones and Mo Bamba).
We 5 games into the season yet fans somehow seem to already know for sure Hayes won't ever start a game this season because he ain't "good enough" to start 😂

2 months ago, these same fans were so sure that starting 2-Big lineups would not be a possibility let alone be used as THE closing lineup and look at the situation now.

In all their wins, the Lakers CLOSED with a 2-Big lineup and it sure looks like the 2-Big starting lineup IS in fact a probability now instead of a possibility.

It's a long season. It's 2-Early 2-Tell if 2-Big starting lineups is a Nay or a Yay but least Ham is slowly beginning to have an open mind. His EYE Test is showing him things he never thought was possible in the "Modern NBA."
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