**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

I really never seen this type of vitrol and anger towards Jim and Mitch
The most I saw was people being "confused" and justification posts
It only turned to hate when Deng and Mozgov showed to be the doodoo butter that they were

Here you go.  Page 625 is where the rumors of Moz to LA begin.  But zero vitriol in there at all.

Looking at some of these reactions makes me feel better for my extreme over reaction toward the D'Lo trade 
read a couple pages and safe to say, we're lucky  that we signed Moz and not Noah 
You will realize by reading most of the posts that most of the ones that aren't overreacting to Magic/Rob's moves were the ones that criticized Mitch/Jim because it was happening for YEARS

there were posts like these last year

We needed a Center. We ALLLLLL knew this.

Whiteside wasn't coming.
Horford wouldn't either.
Pau is 36. Y'all hated him years ago.
95% of you never heard of Biyombo til a month ago.
Dwight? laugh.gif
Noah got 72 mil and just as washed.
Y'all hate Hibbert.

We needed a Center.

WHO did you think we'd get? Realistically.

We all wanted Whiteside, he didn't want us. Thee end.

They spent 16 mil on a starting Center.

11 mil in yesterday's money.

It's a dumb contract, but they ALL bout to be dumb contracts. Parsons is getting 96 mil. Beal 130. DeRozan 139. Its gonna be chaos out there.

We have 60-65 mil in space and spent 16 on the starting Center. Hope he can hold the fort for two years til #32 (Zubac?) turns 21.

It's not crippling. Bad, but not world ending.

And 6 hours ago you guys said we weren't signing anybody. So you should be happy then. You got somebody. And he's quicker than Hibbert. Just hope his knee heals........or, fails the physical. nerd.gif

Anyone know how to forge MRI scans? wink.gif

Same dude that wants Magic/Rob's head served on the platter already
people hating on magic and rob cuz they traded Dlo why would these players take a one year deal if they can get a multiple year deal? Now if they miss out next season then we panic

Why would a max free agent choose a bottom 5 team when they can play for a contender? If you're not upset about this summer you should be concerned about next summer with similar implications
You will realize by reading most of the posts that most of the ones that aren't overreacting to Magic/Rob's moves were the ones that criticized Mitch/Jim because it was happening for YEARS

there were posts like these last year
Same dude that wants Magic/Rob's head served on the platter already
All I know is I hated the signing then and I still hate it now.  From the 4 or 5 pages that I read through, damn near everyone was calling for the front office's heads which is contrary to what you are saying now.  Pretty much everyone was saying they needed to be fired, whereas now it is a couple of people.  

Do I think the Moz signing was awful?  Yes.  Do I think the D'Lo trade was bad?  Yes.  But at this point, they went all in on the 2018 FA train.  If they strike out then, I dont see how people can't see that it was a terrible move.
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You will realize by reading most of the posts that most of the ones that aren't overreacting to Magic/Rob's moves were the ones that criticized Mitch/Jim because it was happening for YEARS

there were posts like these last year
Same dude that wants Magic/Rob's head served on the platter already

Hmmm this can be only one of 3 people
You will realize by reading most of the posts that most of the ones that aren't overreacting to Magic/Rob's moves were the ones that criticized Mitch/Jim because it was happening for YEARS

there were posts like these last year

Same dude that wants Magic/Rob's head served on the platter already

All I know is I hated the signing then and I still hate it now.  From the 4 or 5 pages that I read through, damn near everyone was calling for the front office's heads which is contrary to what you are saying now.  Pretty much everyone was saying they needed to be fired, whereas now it is a couple of people.  

Do I think the Moz signing was awful?  Yes.  Do I think the D'Lo trade was bad?  Yes.  But at this point, they went all in on the 2018 FA train.  If they strike out then, I dont see how people can't see that it was a terrible move.

Seemingly we could have him for 2 years then look to trade his expiring deal

I don't hate it
But 1 hour into free agency though...that's what confuses me
But then again, we didn't even secure meetings with the other bigs

In Mitch I trust
There's pros and cons to not signing anyone...at least our youngsters will get to play
So moz's surgery was just to have a cyst removed, no actual damage to his knee. Gonna remain cautiously optimistic on this one because I really did like what I saw from him last season + the Lakers have been pretty good on these type of signings lately. And I think/hope he'll be involved in a pivotal trade down the line

at least BIG LEEMELONE BIG LEEMELONE guessed the last part right
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at least BIG LEEMELONE BIG LEEMELONE guessed the last part right

That was hella mild. I've had way spicier takes than that. Not even summer jam worthy. If magic and Rob ever actually sign somebody I'll try to find the positives like I usually do
I'm not saying your take was "spicy", I'm just saying that there's a difference of attitudes towards moves that are "controversial", whether it be a FA signing or trade.
I remember almost ruining my sister's bday *****in' bout Mozgov's deal, Lebron deserved a good % of them.

If we move Brewer or Deng, I wouldn't be mad givin Crawford a three-year deal granted there's a way to give him most of it in the first
  But if we are going to pull one off quotes here are some from 3 pages after we signed Moz:
 This is my nightmare.
 OMG 4 years?! 
 4 years $65 mil per

4 years 65M.  Bout choked to death

I lied, this is far worse than the knicks.
 4 years 65 million...I'm done
 This is so stupid
 Do we even do our due diligence? Mozgov had a disastrous knee surgery and ain't been the same since

Wow smh
 1 step forward 10 steps back
 4 yrs - 65 mill?

call kobe and offer him a 1 yr 30 mill contract. cant be worse 
 No kidding.  Giving 17% of your cap to a guy who has a bum as knee is absolutely ridiculous.  Knee problems don't just magically disappear.
 Like they were legitimately so concerned that another team was going to hand out 16M a year over 4 to a guy who played 5 minutes a game in the playoffs that they called him at 12:01 but didn't bother to contact anyone else.  Un ******* real.
 id rather pay dwight 25 mill a year than bringing moz. i cant believe it has come down to this.
 How in the blue hell is this the FIRST guy you call at 12:01????
 Haha the first guy that Mitch called , wowowow
 I went into free agency with the mindset to be disappointed, this is a whole new level 
 This is the end man. We're the new Sixers x the old Knicks.
 first call to moz.

43 minutes and already close to a deal.

your 2016 lakers everyone.
 Entire front office has got to go. Ruining the franchise
 Not for a guy who will turn 30 in two weeks and has knee problems.  The guy is going to be 34 when his contract is up.  34 god damn years old.  We aren't competing until 2020.
 Not ezeli
Not Mahinmi
Not biyombo


 give noah 19 at this point. cot dammit wtf are the lakers doing.
 i dont want CP to ever utter relax with this front office. ever 
 if it is true bye bye Jim and mitch
 Not to mention ezeli would have probably been about the same price and he is healthy.  Give the 30 year old with knee problems 16M a year though.  If I didn't live so god damn far away I would legit picket tomorrow.  Instead, im going to settle for getting drunk in the dark.  
 Lol this is them clearly telling jenie she ain't saving this franchise after she gets rid of them
 To be fair, mozgov is on Bleacher Reports top 900 free agents list
 God I hate this team
 I am sick to my stomach
 i was livid at hthe thought of Biyombo... these mutha******* went out and reached MOGZGOV at 12 Dickface Timothey really was the First FA we called... Hopes of KD and we turn to Mogz 
 Ughhh!! 4 years 65M for Mosgov!!!!

This Front Office has no clue what they're doing. Years of waiting for all the cap space and were gonna blow it all signing scrubs to long term contracts. Amazing.
 The market for Lin is 12-14M a year, but how the **** did we arrive at 16M a year for moztard?
 What a **** storm
We are the laughing stock franchise

Maybe he sets good screen idk smh
 I don't hate signing Mozgov.... But I hate everything about the details and timing

1. Before 1AM on July 1st
2. It's $4mil a year too high for me... If it's 4 years, it'd have to be 4 year / $50mil
3. 4 years is too many years. 2 + 1.. Maybe 3 + 1 team options... But not 4 years outright
 Wow. Unbelievable
 When he is the "centerpiece" of the free agency I wouldn't hold your breath until the end.
 Going to get 15 wins next season.
 Woj reportin it... Wow Jimbo proving he is still the loser crackhead Buss son.

Can't wait for my cable bill to go up to pay my share for this new CBA.
 Free Ingram. I'm not watching next season.

Talk about spending money just to spend it
 What the **** bruh 

I ain't even know Moz was 30. These fools are so lost.
 It's not a matter of the price of his deal, but you can't sign an injury prone 7 footer for four years. I can't dig that.
 Man the anger I have right now is ridiculous.

******* MOZGOV was the key part of our FA plans. First ******* deal to be made was ******* Timofey Mozgoz?!!!?!

Our FO is completely incompetent man this is inexcusable.
 This was a **** deal there is no positive spin from him being the priority at 1201, to the parameters of the deal, to him having knee issues.
 It is a bad signing. What is a broken down, slow, Moz gonna do for this team? Then they gave him 4 years. 

What is going on with Mitch? This man is smarter than this.
 Man... Upshaw>>>>Mozgov
 His free agency deals have always been questionable.

No denying this.
 They have been pretty smart the last couple years to preserve cap to make a run this year.  Just no one expected the run would be Mozgawd and Evan Turner.  At least we didn't give up two first rounders for him like the cavs.
 Sacre+Tarik >>>>> The Moz. (And cheaper)
 I'm sick
 He ain't a good fit at all with this team. 
 I don't get it. Moz doesn't fit the offense, doesn't fit the locker room in the sense that the kids won't respect him. How does this fit with Luke and young backcourt. Smh. Maybe they should just sell the team.
 Can't get over this buffoonery
 our dumbass front office probably thought this would give us a chance at lebron or some ****. goddamnit man yall gotta stop trying to spin this in a positive light. it's a stupid move and we're getting clowned by everybody in the nba circles about it. 
 I gotta say nah. Those days are long gone. Might as well bring back LO and Steve Trash to huge deals too to complete the dismantling of the Lakers that David Stern started.
 The Lakers literally paid Mozgov a $1M for every point scored in the playoffs this year.  That's no joke.
 Oooooooh everyone was laughing earlier .....ooooooh calm down y'all said .....going overboard y'all said

Now everybody in here sick. Ive defended Mitch long enough. Im done. Everybody need to be fired. Even the janitors.
 Front office straight clowns. All of them need to go. Mitch has lost it. We got some young talent and they're gonna throw a broken down center who doesn't fit the team into the mix. Thank God Ingram fell in our lap.
 Didn't they just drafted a " Mozgov "

**** is going on? ****
 I didn't trip when Whiteside didn't come. But this... This right here makes no damn sense.

They just signing any random dude. 
But please continue to find innately positive quotes in the sea of negativity from that thread.
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