[:: LAKERS 2014 THREAD | POLL: Who Should Coach Next Year? ::]


  • Mike _'Antoni

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stan Van Gundy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Byron Scott

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • George Karl

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jerry Sloan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kurt Rambis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nate McMillan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Doug Collins

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • College Coach (Mention Name and School)...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Oh but hey, we want you to see that our point is right about our coach not coaching defense, yeah, let's do that.


Like I said, when you realize the lack of thought in denying an already 60 win team benefiting from adding FIVE, (5) first round draft picks to their core, and it not helping one iota, then we can talk. Til then, dead it. Serious.

That's like saying the Pacers RIGHT now, would not be any better than the ECF if we gave them 5 picks from the last five years, TODAY.
Or that OKC wouldn't be better if we gave them five more guys from the last five years.

Sure. That makes sense.
You say dead it but you're often the one who makes snark comments about people who are anti MDA first, knowing very well you will gauge a response from that group.

You get your inevitable response, then tell us to dead it. :lol:

You wanna dead the MDA arguments? Stop bringing him up subliminally or literally.

Your favorite coach in the world George Karl got farther than MDA ever has, yet... You don't particularly like him do you?

What if I had the amount of "what if's" for Karl as you do for Mike?

What if the sonics didn't have to face a MJ in his prime? What if he had Scottie Pippen instead of the bulls? What if he had Ewing? Maybe Hakeem? What if he had Rondo and Gortat?

Welp, for him it's nah he's just awful, hasn't been able to get out of the first round in recent years. With the same Carmelo that's never gotten passed the 2nd round in his career, the same one that's getting coaches fired left and right. What if he had Kobe and Shaq instead? Then maybe he would have gone farther.

Point is, you do all these what ifs for MDA as if he's the only one that's caught some
Bad breaks.

Look around you CP. Coaches catch bad breaks frequently. But we don't bring them all up when were discussing their skill.

Coach K lost today to Mercer.
**** happens.
Coaches run into bad luck.

But the better ones turn it around at some

He doesn't.
He catches another bad break with our horrific roster and it's giving him a pass, but the truth is even without the injury bug our record would of most likely been the same as you yourself predicted.
"He's never won ****."
Way to look deeper into the situation fellas.
Look deeper?!


You wanna be all 'Point blank, bottom line, period"?

Then lettuce be all 'Point blank, bottom line, period."







Point blank.

Bottom line.


I know, I know... if only he had Rondo and Gortat and 5 consecutive 1st rounders and Joey Crawford in his pocket and David Stern on his payroll and was simultaneously married to both Jennifer Lawrence, Scarlett Johansson, and Megan Fox, then maybe we would think of him SOOOO much more differently.

But that's not what has happened, so I'll continue to go by what is, and you can continue to go by what could have been... while screaming "I WANT FIGUEROA LINED W/ PURPLE AND GOLD!!! NOTHING ELSE MATTERS!!! Well, nothing else except what could have been of the Knicks if things went differently for MDA; that matters... but nothing ELLLSE matters. JUST CHAMPIONSHIPS... and... well... CHAMPIONSHIPS AND WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN!!!"
Oh man. I thought today was suppose to be happy Friday lol

Seems like a lot of people are fed up lol
We should just chill on talking about MDA for a few days lol
What if I had the amount of "what if's" for Karl as you do for Mike?

What if the sonics didn't have to face a MJ in his prime? What if he had Scottie Pippen instead of the bulls? What if he had Ewing? Maybe Hakeem? What if he had Rondo and Gortat?

Welp, for him it's nah he's just awful, hasn't been able to get out of the first round in recent years. With the same Carmelo that's never gotten passed the 2nd round in his career, the same one that's getting coaches fired left and right. What if he had Kobe and Shaq instead? Then maybe he would have gone farther.

Point is, you do all these what ifs for MDA as if he's the only one that's caught some
Bad breaks.
You stop being all logical and making sense right now!
Look around you CP. Coaches catch bad breaks frequently. But we don't bring them all up when were discussing their skill.
I said stop!!

MDA hasn't been coaching long enough to have won anything significant!! This is only like, what? His 2nd or 3rd year?

Oh wait...
well since every potential dantoni replacement has also never won anything ever, whats the point of bringing championships up?
"He's never won ****."
Way to look deeper into the situation fellas. :rolleyes
Look deeper?!


You wanna be all 'Point blank, bottom line, period"?

Then lettuce be all 'Point blank, bottom line, period."







Point blank.

Bottom line.


I know, I know... if only he had Rondo and Gortat and 5 consecutive 1st rounders and Joey Crawford in his pocket and David Stern on his payroll and was simultaneously married to both Jennifer Lawrence, Scarlett Johansson, and Megan Fox, then maybe we would think of him SOOOO much more differently.

But that's not what has happened, so I'll continue to go by what is, and you can continue to go by what could have been... while screaming "I WANT FIGUEROA LINED W/ PURPLE AND GOLD!!! NOTHING ELSE MATTERS!!! Well, nothing else except what could have been of the Knicks if things went differently for MDA; that matters... but nothing ELLLSE matters. JUST CHAMPIONSHIPS... and... well... CHAMPIONSHIPS AND WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN!!!"

That is correct. Only titles matter, to the LA Lakers.


Now I ask you.

Do ONLY titles matter to ALL other teams?

Because the Suns, clearly, did not follow my same thought process, yes?

So you see, for our team, I want ONLY titles, or it's a wasted year(s), right?

So then, how do we find a coach? Only title winners? There are 4, in the NBA right now. Four. Doc, Pop, Carlisle, Spo.

But wait.

In 2011, Carlisle and Spo have never won a ******* thing. So, are they championship coaches?

And if we go back to 2007, Doc is no longer a championship coach either.

So, tell me, how do we find a "title level" coach, when only one, Pop, exists?

Stands to reason, if we find one that is a good coach, and has something to offer, and has shown that he can get a team "close" and we don't sweep the rug out from under his feet, maybe we can help push him over the edge, and help him get his Doc, Carlisle, Spo on, yes?

But I know, those extra picks mean nothing to nobody, they didn't happen, etc etc etc.

But this year, this team, that matters, and it's all his fault too. :lol:
That **** LTB posted doesn't even compare.

I didn't post Mike had to face Pop and Duncan like Karl facing MJ and Phil. That ain't what caused Karl to lose.

Mike "might" have been hamstrung by his front office selling a half decade worth of picks, because they cared about the bottom line, not winning a title.

That isn't what stopped Karl, for 24 years. With like 9 first round exits in 10 years.

What if I had the amount of "what if's" for Karl as you do for Mike?

What if the sonics didn't have to face a MJ in his prime? What if he had Scottie Pippen instead of the bulls? What if he had Ewing? Maybe Hakeem? What if he had Rondo and Gortat?

Welp, for him it's nah he's just awful, hasn't been able to get out of the first round in recent years. With the same Carmelo that's never gotten passed the 2nd round in his career, the same one that's getting coaches fired left and right. What if he had Kobe and Shaq instead? Then maybe he would have gone farther.

Point is, you do all these what ifs for MDA as if he's the only one that's caught some

Bad breaks.
You stop being all logical and making sense right now!
Look around you CP. Coaches catch bad breaks frequently. But we don't bring them all up when were discussing their skill.
I said stop!!

MDA hasn't been coaching long enough to have won anything significant!! This is only like, what? His 2nd or 3rd year?

Oh wait...

So why did Phil Jackson lose to Mike back to back years?

Phil wasn't as good of a coach those years?

Or was his player talent lesser?

So if Phil had his team in 2010, and I took away Bynum, Farmar, Shannon, Fisher, and Odom, the Lakers would have still won the title in 2010 without them?
Bari ain't stayin in school to lose in the first round next year to Austin Pea or some ****.

He'll be available in June. Just have to hope someone else takes him.

^^^Wouldn't want Bari??? What if he is the best available at that time??

Yeah, if we at 5-6 and he's still there, fine, but I don't have him ahead of guys that can play offense AND defense right now.

If we had to land him, then we'd pretty much have to load up on defenders elsewhere on the roster otherwise we'll be getting cooked for a long time, no matter who the coach is.
I blame Mike D'Antoni for Jabari's defiencies on defense.

This is your fault you know? You drop jokes in, let me reply, then dip when the Calvary comes in.


:lol: :lol: :lol:
with duke being bounced out of the tourney, dudes on espn 710 are tossing out the idea of firing Mike D and offering the coaching spot to Coach K. 

couple of things they brought up :
  • Kobe loves him
  • had past dialogue regarding coaching the lakers
  • he coached multiple stars on team USA ( ie. Love, Melo, Davis...and they all loved playing for him) point being, players will want to play for him
  • idea of coaching Kobe as he nears the end of his career, 
  • looked really defeated once Mercer won
  • last, Lakers could realistically have Coach K and a chance to draft Jabari Parker. 
well since every potential dantoni replacement has also never won anything ever, whats the point of bringing championships up?
What's the point of bringing up championships to YOU?

Well that would be pointless.

But bringing championships up to a guy who places so much emphasis on championships and accepts no excuses... except when excuses (read: reasons) offer a leg for 'his guy' MDA to stand on, well that makes all the sens in the world to me. 

And it's fun. 
We HAVE to get Wiggins man...just must do, someway somehow.

I said the exact same thing about Coach K when they lost. He needs to finish what Kobe started at Duke.
Ummm... no. 

Why would I tell you that when "No one gooder is available" has been my thing for-like-ever?

I'm just saying, "Hey guys, we may as well realize he ain't going anywhere because no one else credible is beating the door down"...

... is ENTIRELY different than...

"Hey guys, we may as well realize that he is SUPER legit. Like, for real for real. Think of him like a Phil Jackson... minus 11. He's like pre-championship Phil. One day, he'll have a ton of championships and I'll be sitting laughing at all of you, just like I'm sure someone was hating on Phil in the 80s. Look at them now... and look at yourselves, because that's you. Moronic, clown status imbeciles who are unworthy of cheering for this team that only me and my pro-MDA cronies are worthy of loving."

(disclaimer: yes, I'm aware you didn't EXPLICITLY say those things. But the tone that you post in [keeping in mind that 'tone' isn't only used to define a measure of sound] and the language you use strongly suggests a mindset very similar to what I just posted; in other words, that's a paraphrased response. Not a literal one. So keep that in mind before you quote that and go "You sure I said that? Those words? I said them? In heeeere? 2014? You SURE?")
coach k isn't leaving duke. no way no how. especially not to come to a situation like this.

swaggy p is back tonight..time to start this win streak for no reason.
but when you say "no one better that would actually come coach us" you make it sound like mitch opened his office door on interview day and in the lobby was dantoni, mike brown, a monkey and the janitor

when there are a whole bunch of guys who to many are viewed as solid coaches and none of these guys is a clear upgrade over dantoni, then wouldnt that mean dantoni is a good coach?
Radio just bringing up hiring Coach K so they can talk about Duke getting bounced while STILL talking about the Lakers. They need to chill
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