Lakers Fans beat up Celtics Fans at Staples Center

IMO, it wasn't about the game at all, it was about their gang/hood/etc. Notice how dude still throwing up gang signs BEHIND the red coats like he's big or something.

I really hope so. Because if dudes started fighting over the game, it really shows how impressionable some people are.

Fighting for a bunch of basketball players that don't know and don't care to know who you are. Congrats, you're cool.

Happens all the time at pretty much every sporting event across the world. I don'tsee what the fuss is about.
knuckleheads like that never learn

theyll continue to fight even if they get beat up

they dont learn till they get shot in the face and they moms is crying

Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

Wow 99% of them are Mexican from East LA too. SMH

Whats that supposed to mean?

Anyway, that was really stupid of them
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by Slayer Carcetti

Fights at Raiders games at the Coliseum>>>>>>>>>>

I'll never forget the first fight I saw at a Raiders game when i was around 6-7 years old. Chiefs fan took a bottle to the head and it was a wrapfor him

Although if I were a Celtic fan, I know I woouldn't go to an event made for Laker fans. But that's their decision. They have every right to be there.
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Historically, Los Angeles fans and the city of Los Angeles are some of if not the most gracious hosts in sport. It is fans elsewhere that abuse visiting fans and players.

I find it amazing how people associated with the Celtics of the 60's, 70's and 80's say that providing a crappy visitors locker room was brilliant "gamesmanship" and having Celtic fans calling and honking their horns outside of the hotel, in which the Lakers were staying, was an example of "dedicated fans."

If anything, we Laker fans need to see this as payback and this is not an end but a beginning, we need to disrupt the Celtics when they are not playing and make this the worse week of their lives. Seeing as how soft Lamar and Pau have thus far proved to be in this series, these guerilla tactics are needed if we are gonna win a game leave alone sweep this home stand.

Our roster may be willing to let themselves get punched in the face repeadedly and just take it. Someone associated with the Lakers needs to star punching back, literally or figuratively.

, I know you aren't calling for some Tonya Harding tactics
as much as i dislike laker "fans", if dude was talking !%! in another team's house, he kinda deserves it
i was there and this started at the 4th quater when the lakers went on their run. Everyone was going crazy, there was about 4 fights in a roll while the lakerswere coming back
Originally Posted by AM 1 FIEND

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by 18th letter

damn they mad because they lost.
Those guys aren't real fans.
why would you want to attend something like that as "celtic" fan in LA? i know its pretty expensive to get finals tickets but you just asking for trouble going to something like that.

so what if someone wanted to wear a Pierce jersey? Than what?

They're just as stupid as the fans that would whoop their butt.

You wear a Celtics jersey to the Staples Center, a Laker event, you're asking for trouble.

That's like if I wore a Padres jersey to a Dodgers game and sat in the Pavillions.

Don't gas yourself, nobody in Los Angeles cares about the Padres

Or maybe that Dodger fans are just classless like that regardless who they play?
I have to share this story with NT, the video brought me back to my childhood. Back in 86 my pops took me to a Raiders - Broncos game at the Los AngelesColiseum. As we were leaving I noticed a group of guys stomping the daylights out of some guy. My first reaction was shock, I asked my Dad why that guy wasbeing attacked by a mob of people. My Dad turned to me and said with the straight face, "because that man is a Broncos fan". When my pops said that Iwas
, now when I tell that story I am
Originally Posted by AM 1 FIEND

I have to share this story with NT, the video brought me back to my childhood. Back in 86 my pops took me to a Raiders - Broncos game at the Los Angeles Coliseum. As we were leaving I noticed a group of guys stomping the daylights out of some guy. My first reaction was shock, I asked my Dad why that guy was being attacked by a mob of people. My Dad turned to me and said with the straight face, "because that man is a Broncos fan". When my pops said that I was
, now when I tell that story I am

I applaud the Raider fans on that one. Broncos can suck one.
Happens all the time at pretty much every sporting event across the world. I don't see what the fuss is about.
Ha. Yeah. pretty much every sporting event I've ever been at there have been senseless brawls. The fight at The Palace was only a slightlybigger deal because it involved players and fans, but not really that big of a deal. This is really nothing.
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by AM 1 FIEND

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by 18th letter

damn they mad because they lost.
Those guys aren't real fans.
why would you want to attend something like that as "celtic" fan in LA? i know its pretty expensive to get finals tickets but you just asking for trouble going to something like that.

so what if someone wanted to wear a Pierce jersey? Than what?

They're just as stupid as the fans that would whoop their butt.

You wear a Celtics jersey to the Staples Center, a Laker event, you're asking for trouble.

That's like if I wore a Padres jersey to a Dodgers game and sat in the Pavillions.

Don't gas yourself, nobody in Los Angeles cares about the Padres

Or maybe that Dodger fans are just classless like that regardless who they play?

lol.. thats messed up!� those were ladies too... just calmly walked away.� I have worn my Angels jersey in old Jack Murphy during inter-league play.� Asidefrom friendly trash talking, Padre fans were just so laid back.� They even invited me for post game bbq's despite my Angel jersey... (well, actually pinoypad fans found out i was pinoy as well)�
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by AM 1 FIEND

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by 18th letter

damn they mad because they lost.
Those guys aren't real fans.
why would you want to attend something like that as "celtic" fan in LA? i know its pretty expensive to get finals tickets but you just asking for trouble going to something like that.

so what if someone wanted to wear a Pierce jersey? Than what?

They're just as stupid as the fans that would whoop their butt.

You wear a Celtics jersey to the Staples Center, a Laker event, you're asking for trouble.

That's like if I wore a Padres jersey to a Dodgers game and sat in the Pavillions.

Don't gas yourself, nobody in Los Angeles cares about the Padres

Or maybe that Dodger fans are just classless like that regardless who they play?

That video pretty much sums up the classless bunch known as Dodgers fans.
the dodgers got some real good and loyal fans especially if the attendance continiues to be good for the team that is the west coasts version of baseballsloveable fans. the knowledgeable dodger fans who know their team and whatnot i got respect for

dodger fans in the pavilion seats who are just there to start crap = trash. and pusseys who only have strength in numbers

ive attended a few met games in the pavilon seats and unless im deep never again. im not even the type to run my mouth since im at a dodger home game but thoseclowns stay trying to start stuff and when i confronted one of them off some stuff they said he had to have 4 of his boys help him out, luckily things calmeddown and nothin happened but it aint even worth getting into that over no damn baseball game, basketball game etc.
This is not a good look. I understand the Lakers' fan frustration but that was overboard. This is just going to make Lakers fans look bad. At the sametime, I don't really feel sorry for the guy with the Celtics jersey that got mobbed bc he was stupid. How are you going to wear a Celtics jersey in aLakers event in the Staples center? He doesn't have my sympathy.
lol well stupid is as stupid does. most likely he wasn't a celtic fan, when these bandwagon celtic fans come in the lids i work at looking for celtic stuffand i polietly tell them with a straight face that we dont support that garbage over here 90% of the time they proceed to tell me there not even celtic fansthey just hate the lakers and the 10% of real celtic fans that come in i usually end up having a pretty good conversation with joking around about the finalsand such. the jersey store in the mall i work at is selling beat la t shirts and the manager there told me the same thing, that the shirts sell real well butits more laker haters buying them then actual celtic fans
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