Landing an Asian woman

Getting with an asian girl isnt the hard part...hard part is the family. i mean technically im asian, and im a really light skin indian dude , but every asian girl i dated had racist @#$ parents that were disgusted with me because of my skin called a n____ by my vietnamese ex's dads 
  another girl stopped dating me cause her parents hated me since i look latino 

im pretty much done with most asian girls besides filipinas 
 most filipino girls are brown-light brown so they dont care about what color you are.
Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Is there a secret to getting with an Asian chick if you're not A. Already Asian or B. White
Don't get me wrong I've seen plenty of Black guys with Asian chicks, but I never have time to sit down and have a talk on his tactics used.

Thanks in advance NT. 

Spoiler [+]

- sense of humor

- gifted on the dance floor

- guitar

- a lot of patience with their parents

hope this helps man 
Asian chicks around here date anything but Asian dudes I swear. And if you're black or white and looking for an Asian you'd love it around my area
To the Korean NT'ers, why does it seem like Korean girls, not all, but most won't date any other race or asian aside from koreans? I mean I know some chinese won't date anything other then chinese, but I notice this type of behavior is more rampant within the korean community here in SF bay area.
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by FullMetal

I'm guessing you would have to be ridiculously good looking (Zoolander status), if you want to pull one.

yeah because Asian females are sooooo sacred and upper echelon that they only date the finest of the fine. +%!# outta here with that garbage. Asian females are no different that any other race. Filipino women are basically white chicks with a little spice. And on top of that the ratio of hot asian females to average to ugly is the same as every race so it's not like Asian females have a higher concentration sexy females.

All you need is:
And not look like a slob

and you will smash. One semester my boy was feelin this foreign exchange fresh off the boat Japanese girl. Dude was crazy nervous never wanted to talk to her because he said it was a lost cause. So I started talking to her making cute little jokes, making light fun of her broken english and then introduced her to my friend. I also let her know he was crushing on her. Told my friend to be light and not go so hard on her. By the end of the semester my boy had smashed multiple times. Kid said the grip was out of this world

The ONLY difficulty is dating them.

-The Juice
Yo James come to Cali for 5 weeks . . We could take over the Asian population

90% of my family live in Cali (I was born there). About 2 years ago me an my cousin were cruisin Orange County going dumb on the lil korean broads that were out there. I didn't smash but I got a bunch of numbers and got domed up 2 different times.

White females - generic, but sloppy enough to do w/e you want to them and they will love it
Black females - strong, take the D and backshots are always a pleasure, headgame strong
Latin females - "wow", sex game crazy. A smash you will never forget
Asian females - best box in the game hands down. And deep down they are ALL little freaks. Some may not be the best at sex but their cuteness and grip is enough to have you coming back. trust me.


-The Juice
James speaks the truth (cant confirm about latin chicks)

And not look like a slob

Knowing about asian fashion helps

O and another tip.... get into Anime
my indian friend got a few Asian chicks because he was part of the anime club (and was funny)
i got my asian girlfriend... i honestly dont know
my chick is vietnamese, i love her to death.
ever since i messed with my 1st asian woman, i've had the low key yellow fever.
now im happily with the woman i thought id never find.
I got an asian girl and I'm black, and here's the honest truth. The odds are against us, as their parents don't want their daughters to have anything to do with us. Their reasoning, "turn on the tv" Before anything, it's all about their status, and Asian families instill this in their kids right when they get out the womb. I'll put it in most important order..

1. you need money. NOT HOOD RICH like most you bozos with gucci belts and yeezy's struggling to get money for the subway and eating mcdonalds dollar menu. If you eating out, as a man, you need to pay.

2. education. if you're not going to a reputable school for an engineering, financial, medical degree, forget about it.

3. be well groomed. Can't be a scrub, and at the same time don't dress like you came out of a music video.

4. be a man.

in the general scheme of things, when you look at it, it just is what it is. money, education, well groomed and being a man. If you can't uphold those factors then your chances are slim with any chick.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

I try to tell myself it's the same with all women but I find it hard to approach the ones that don't speak English. American raised Asian women aren't as hard to get as the aforementioned.

I know whipping it out is universal but I can't do that every time I'm on the 7 train.
i lol'd
on the real...what you have to understand that you can't lump all East Asians the same... so your approach can't be the same across the board.

...there are vast differences across the many ethnicities and cultures of East Asians
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Yo I'm in the same boat. I LOVE asian broads, only landed one in my life.

I get the vibe that they're generally just not looking for a black guy.

The only place I get "love" is the strip club. I will def be tuning in for some tips. The best I ever had was a half Chinese, half African American which was

In my experience I've realized that its a lot easier bragging Asian females when theyre not with their Asian friends. My boy who is Asian told me that the reason for this is because their Asian friends would get on them for hooking up with someone out of their race and they don't feel like being the butt of the jokes. It sounded silly but through experience it seemed true. (Going to an Asian themed party at a club and getting no love, but running into the same chick(s) at school or wherever and able to bag with ease).

If you're looking for long-term relationship and have to deal with the parents you'll have an idea about how accepting they'll be by the type of friends she has. If she only has Asian friends then most likely you're in for a ride with the parents whether you're black or white. If she hangs with a mixed crowd her parents would probably more accepting. But this is with every race.
This is all just speculation through my experience though
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

I have yet to land a Japanese chick. 
If my girl and I ever break up I am either going Japanese or another exotic girl. My last non asian GF was French/Brazilian/Jamaican the whole package was
in a nutshell. My boys think I'm crazy but I SWEAR there is this cute/sexy *** chick I see at least once a week in the lab that I feel she stares at me. I don't know her name but I swear I feel her checkin me out. My boys clown me about it saying that I'm delusional but, thanks to this thread I'm going to see if I can pull her number. I already got the perfect corny pick up line to break the ice

once I find out the FB I will most def. post pics for NT's enjoyment.

-The Juice
like dirty said you can't lump em all into one category ....i can say that the traditional older ones view blacks by what they see on tv
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