Laptop or Tablet ?

Jun 14, 2006
Help me out NT . My cat decided to spill a cup of water on my laptop and burned it out. I realized I only use it for streaming and entertainment, never on anything work or school related, thats where the tablet comes in now.

Just asking for an opinion, kind of a wwyd. The tablet seems so blahhh, plain ... but again, i buy a laptop and havent done anything but come on NT and stream nonsense. Thx in advance ....
Laptop or a Surface Pro. I wouldn't go big on a tablet but I'm willing to cash out for laptops and PCs.
Sadly, a tablet simply can't replace a laptop. Can't sync your phone to your tablet. Just two completely different devices.

If you don't sync to your laptop then I'd get an ipad pro and keyboard. But it is about the same price as an expensive laptop. Another route would be a super cheap laptop and expensive tablet.
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My wife said the surface pro also but with all the accessories that I'll need we're talking 5 and change . For that much I'd want a laptop, just for my own sanity :lol:

Thx for the info fellas :nthat:
Didn’t know anyone buys those microsoft surface tablets besides the nfl.
Your phone Apple or Android?

Honestly if you mainly use your laptop for entertainment, watching movies/videos and browsing a tablet works fine. Just gotta figure out ya budget and what size.
Teeth, it was a plastic cup, not a real feat.

She is a b*tch tho :lol:

Android phone btw ..
If you're just streaming and browsing I say tablet.

If any excessive typing work or school laptop.
If any excessive typing work or school laptop.

This the main detail. If you frequently typin' a bunch, laptop easy. But if not, get the tablet.
If Apple an ipad Mini works great or even the 2018 ipad if you thinkin' lighter on the budget
If Android Samsung Tab series is good. S3 or S4 works
Definitely a tablet. Seriously. It’s so much more convenient. Easy to take on trips, lay in bed and watch YouTube clips, watch Hulu/Netflix.

I assume you have other ways of doing actual work though? Like if you need to write an essay, edit a resume, do significant research, do actual work like Excel etc a tablet is honestly useless.

I have a work laptop and a tablet. Neither really performs the function of the other one.

My opinion (get both):

-Get a super low end laptop if u need something to do actual work (Word/Excel) on for $200-$300.
-Get a nice high end tablet (Fires and iPad minis have been the best for me).
Surface/Surface Pro.
My experience with surface pro has been doo doo (use them at work). If you want a tablet cop an iPad Pro. Otherwise just grab a laptop.
Labtop all the way. I prefer a physical keyboard. Get something like one of those Asus ROG series so you can watch your porn in high def
Allow me to be the devil on your shoulder OP

If you got it, ball out!
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