* Last House on the Left Official Thread * This movie left me speechless VOL I dont know

Jan 26, 2009
I didn't see the official thread so here's one I made.

I knew what this movie was going in last night, but still came out of the theater sick to my stomach.

Without going into too much detail, I liked it but was a little disturbed. Easily one of Wes Craven's best though.

The OG was definitely more graphic, but the remake was weakened by the MPAA edits.

A "memorable" scene in the remake was cut 90 seconds short because it was too brutal. Even with the cut, it's still disturbing.
I saw it last night. This is one of the few cases where I can say the remake is better than the original. The acting in this one was solid. Great characterdevelopment and a lot of tense, well done and scary scenes. And the scene you are talking about was indeed crazy. My entire theater was dead silent and eventhough it was sick, it really drew the viewer in to something that happens daily but is never seen. A scene like that can't really be done tastefully, butI feel it was powerful and done in the best way it could be.

Overall, it was a good movie.
this movie was much better than i expected. i remember hearing on the radio that there was a scene so disturbing that some ppl walked out of the theatre. whenit got to that scene i understood why and like homeboy above me said, the whole theatre was in silence. i believe this scene drew most viewers into the moviemore and gave us more of a personal connection of sympathy for the protagonists. i almost gave this movie a 7 out of 10 because i thought it was over but thenwhen they showed the actual last scene it got a 9 out of 10. i also appreciate how they crammed so much into so little time. they left no space to be boredwith the movie.

edit: would like to add that some ****** brought their kid to see the movie with them. during the scene i mentioned above this kid started crying hystericallyand the whole theatre turned around. from the cries it sounded like the kid was like 3 or 4 years old. why would you bring a 3 or 4 year old to this movie? imsure these ppl will have a hard time paying for a shrink for their kid since they couldnt afford a babysitter...
..I did not expect anything like that when I say that movie Friday..noone clapped..no laughs..just pure silence and stonefaces..
everyone just pure disgusted
good movie though
I hate when parents bring kids to an R-rated film known for its graphic scenes.

It's stupid.
Someone spoil it for me. Pm me in what happened in "the scene" I don't plan on watching this movie anyway.
Originally Posted by failedtakeover

Originally Posted by ShaolinKaws

Originally Posted by KiNGJRMZair23

Someone spoil it for me. Pm me in what happened in "the scene" I don't plan on watching this movie anyway.

Spoiler [+]
The girl gets raped and it just seems very realistic and upsetting
The first one always made me sick to my stomach...there's an interview somewhere that Wes did describing the "scene" and how everyone reactedafter it was shot...from what is said in here though it sounds like I'll have to check out the remake...I usually hate remakes on old horror movies...likeHills Have Eyes...
I wanna see this cuz I loved the of so much that one was very grity and in it's time it has people passin out in the theaters then they had that sayingit's "it's only a movie" did they have that in this movie?
Originally Posted by failedtakeover

Originally Posted by ShaolinKaws

Originally Posted by KiNGJRMZair23

Someone spoil it for me. Pm me in what happened in "the scene" I don't plan on watching this movie anyway.

The only reason you won't go to the movies to see it because your still a baby, and your mommy would have to go with you
after hearing all this talk about "the scene" I might have to check this movie out
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