Last words... A Letter of My Legacy

Feb 20, 2013
The angel of death shows up at your doorstep.. U have 5 mins to write a goodbye letter, what does it say? To whom is it too?
I'd leave a list of all the thangs I didn't do for my lil bro to do... Smash some bitties I fumbled.. I'd put my lil sis on game n giver that talk early.. I'd also donate to a sperm bank
"Out with a friend, BRB."
Then challenge & beat Death to Clue, Battleship, & Twister, word to Bill & Keanu.
just read this quote, speaking to me right i made it my sig

"Often, people work long hard hours at jobs they hate to earn money to buy things they don't need, to impress people they don't like."
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