Latino's and Hispanic' this

Apr 20, 2008
So I just started my new job a couple of weeks ago and what I realized is its alot of ignorant people in this world. I by far i'm not a racist but at this job its so many ignorant white and black people who know nothing of Hispanic people or Latinos or the culture and just assume and view me in a stereotypical way. I am the only Hispanic dude working there, Im a friendly dude, but calling me Carlos, Juan, Jose instead of asking for my name and asking me if I like Spanish music and if i like tacos is not what's up. I 
feel like in this generation us Hispanic's are the most venerable for racism eventhough yes it happens to all minorities. The ignorance people possess is just downright shocking....
Originally Posted by Chrispcb15

So I just started my new job a couple of weeks ago and what I realized is its alot of ignorant people in this world. I by far i'm not a racist but at this job its so many ignorant white and black people who know nothing of Hispanic people or Latinos or the culture and just assume and view me in a stereotypical way. I am the only Hispanic dude working there, Im a friendly dude, but calling me Carlos, Juan, Jose instead of asking for my name and asking me if I like Spanish music and if i like tacos is not what's up. I 
feel like in this generation us Hispanic's are the most venerable for racism eventhough yes it happens to all minorities. The ignorance people possess is just downright shocking....

Those people don't get far in life. Pay them no mind, if they make things difficult, show them up, that you're better than them.
Lastly, report them to your supervisors?  Don't take that crap.
Wow that's messed up... definitely wouldn't let anyone call me by anything other than my first name. Sounds like you work with a bunch of ignorant people who wont get very far in life. At the same time i think ALL races have those people that we are not proud of.
They are doing it on purpose g

step your wittiness up cause you cant lose that verbal warfare
Originally Posted by laker4lifeman

You should report them man. What kind of job is it?
At the Gaylord Hotel National in DC/PG....its a third party job...I work for Kodak inside the hotel....Im 21 and most of the people i work with the ages range from 17-24 but its seems like the younger ones are the most ignorant one's....
Damn OP, that's !$%%%@ up.

You need to do something about it before it gets more serious.
Originally Posted by Chrispcb15

Originally Posted by laker4lifeman

You should report them man. What kind of job is it?
At the Gaylord Hotel National in DC/PG....its a third party job...I work for Kodak inside the hotel....Im 21 and most of the people i work with the ages range from 17-24 but its seems like the younger ones are the most ignorant one's....
Yeah I thought so just don't get physical with them.
I find it funny when minorities forget their own struggles and how they might apply to other minorities.

Gays, Hispanics, atheists, etc.
why dont you tell them what your name is in a real way.

when they ask you if you like tacos, say no you like spaghetti and meatballs

theres little sarcastic ways to get back at people like that if what people say bothers you so much. i really could care less if someone wants to be racist im getting paid regardless.

one day, some lady at the store i work at was like "oh your name is david, im suprised its not jose"
i was like:"is your name Meridith?" "no" "im just as suprised as you are" 
she hit me with

her husband was like
Be a man and handle your biz, first time they called u anything but your name u shut it down.

Simple .....
What Mecks said...don't allow them to step all over you, especially when you say most of the perps are 17? Come on...
I'm Cuban and I get a lot of the "you came on a raft" thing. It's a little bit annoying, but I just shrug it off and keep it moving. Plus I usually come back with somehting smart myself.

PS: Hispanic is not a race, it's an ethnic group.
I know what you mean OP, #*%!* real annoying!A couple weeks back me and my dude(both hispanic) were at work. Its a small snack bar type thing in a big park. Anyways these white ladies were passing by and one of them was carrying a little girl(maybe about 3 to 4 yrs old max). So as they pass by the little gir asks "mommy what is that?" And she points to our snack bar. So the mom looks over at us and with the quickness replies "oh its a mexican food stand!" Honestly that's some of the most dissrespectful +$+% I've ever heard. I pissed me off she would say some +$+% like that out loud, but even more that they are teaching their kids the same #+$. Idk, when +$+% like that happens I be getting all kinds of swole. But its mostly sad people are that ignorant.
i can relate

people always see me and say "yo Enrique Iglesias!"

or "Mario Lopez, whats up man?" "Antonio Banderas, how you living?"

i been to the gaylord palms in orlando. very nice hotel

OP kill em with kindness
I have never heard a racial joke that insulted me, about any of the races/groups that I belong to

If it bothers you you have to say something or quip back.

The only instance I can think of where I was offended was in first grade when I still believed in religion/the bible and my Jewish friend told me the "how much does Jesus love you" joke. I cried for some reason
people call me lil wayne all the time... is that racist??
Spoiler [+]
which i hate and will prolly respond with a stoneface.  
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

i can relate

people always see me and say "yo Enrique Iglesias!"

or "Mario Lopez, whats up man?" "Antonio Banderas, how you living?"


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