Lawrence Taylor = Best to play the game

Anybody that actually watches the game of football and not look just at stats know its Barry Sanders
Barry Sanders was talented.

but you can't be the best to ever play and have negative yards in a playoff game.

Barry Sanders the most rare athletic talent? yeah, he's up there.

best player of all time? no, sorry.
Lawrence Taylor is a BEAST!! but, Emmitt Smith or Deion Sanders FTW!!!
Nov. 27, 1988 -- The Giants were hurting. Quarterback Phil Simms was injured and so were Harry Carson and Carl Banks, Pro Bowl linebackers last season.Taylor himself was severely hurt, with a torn deltoid muscle in his right shoulder. But with his three teammates out fortonight's game against the 9-3 Saints in New Orleans, L.T. knew he couldn't sit out with the 7-5 Giants fighting for a playoff berth.
[table][tr][td] [/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td][size=-2]Lawrence Taylor earned the respect of Giants coach Bill Parcells for playing hurt.[/size][/td] [/tr][/table]
Playing in excruciating pain and with his shoulder lacking its usual strength, all L.T. did was make three sacks, four othertackles and force two fumbles. With the defense preventing the Saints from reaching the end zone for the first time all season, the Giants registered a 13-12victory.

"When you see a guy play like Lawrence did tonight, it picks everyone up," said Giants linebacker Gary Reasons.

After the victory, Giants coach Bill Parcells went over to L.T. and they touched foreheads. "He knew and I knew, but no one else knew what he had gonethrough," Parcells said.

The coach told his star player, "You were great tonight."

L.T. replied, "I don't know how I made it."

While Taylor's coach and teammates were praising him, the linebacker was back in the trainer's room. "I wanted to cry because I felt likesomebody had torn my shoulder off," he said.

here's an exerpt from his ESPN Classic Bio, its a good read (link below)

Lawrence Taylor has been called a lot of things. The best defensive player in NFL history. L.T. Reckless. Superman.


Taylor was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1999.
But from his first days of high school football in Williamsburg, Va., he wouldn't allow anybody to call him one thing: Larry.
That was a name for golf pros or bowlers or anyone whose life's work included the element of restraint. Lawrence Taylor did not become the most feared player in pro football by letting himself be controlled.

"I guess that I'm just a plain wild dude," he said early in his career.

Taylor's motto seemed to be live fast, perhaps die young, and leave a trail of battered quarterbacks in your wake. He was technically listed as an outside linebacker, but he was more like a force of nature. After being unleashed on the NFL in 1981, Taylor's unparalleled will and wildness spurred the New York Giants to two Super Bowl titles and himself into the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

In 1986 he recorded a career-high 20½ sacks and was the league's MVP, becoming the first defensive player to win the award since Minnesota's Alan Page in 1971. Taylor didn't just play the game, he revolutionized it. The greatest linebackers had always played the middle. Guys like Ray Nitschke and ##!* Butkus, who patrolled the trenches like Dobermans.

Taylor created the outside linebacker position in his own image. He was 6-foot-4 and 240 pounds of athletic fury, a Butkus with wheels. Fast enough to cover receivers, strong enough to bully offensive linemen, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. And heaven help any quarterback who got in his way.

With his 142 sacks, L.T. ranks among the all-time leaders.

"Lawrence Taylor, defensively, has had as big an impact as any player I've ever seen," former Raiders coach John Madden said. "He changed the way defense is played, the way pass-rushing is played, the way linebackers play and the way offenses block linebackers."

Taylor played and lived on the edge. For all his physical gifts, his greatest strength may have been his mind. Taylor was an adrenaline junkie who willed himself to do things mere mortals would not consider.

"What makes L.T. so great, what makes him so aggressive, is his total disregard for his body,"' said Bill Belichick, the Giants' defensive coordinator during Taylor's prime.
i already summed up my opinions, so i'm not even gonna argue anymore unless JRAIN comes in here


randy moss is the most dominant and talented wide receiver to ever play in the national football league.

most dominant + most talented + breaking one of rice's most significant records = GOAT.

then when randy retires after breaking more of rice's record due to him and brady demolishing the league for the next 5+ years he will be the undisputedgoat. best believe jerry rice's all time touchdown record is going down.

and if moss had brady his entire career like rice had montana and young, moss would SHATTER all of rice's records.

moss does inhuman things on the field that rice could only dream of doing.
and really, moss is on ANOTHER LEVEL than rice.

moss is a super freak that dominates defenseless corners with his disgusting athleticism like no one else in the history of the game. no player has ever madethe wide receiver position look so effortless. rice is just a dude who worked hard and ran good routes and benefited greatly from playing with two of thegreatest quarterbacks of all time. rice had to struggle and work so hard for every catch and every yard as oppose to moss who makes one handed catches andskying over defenders and burning constant double, triple, and even quadruple coverage with his freakish speed look effortless. for the record, rice never sawthe crazy coverage moss sees.
taylor might be th greatest, dude had skilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllls and was a beast

the rice argument is a good one, he is one of the goats but rice is/was only as good as the qb that quarterbacked, he had the luxury of having Montana andyoung as quarterbacks........ they should be a factor in his success,, its not like he had danny kanell, dave brown, kent graham or bad quality qbs.... dontget me wrong so all those records he has are due to to montana and young
Originally Posted by J RAIN 23

and really, moss is on ANOTHER LEVEL than rice.

moss is a super freak that dominates defenseless corners with his disgusting athleticism like no one else in the history of the game. no player has ever made the wide receiver position look so effortless. rice is just a dude who worked hard and ran good routes and benefited greatly from playing with two of the greatest quarterbacks of all time. rice had to struggle and work so hard for every catch and every yard as oppose to moss who makes one handed catches and skying over defenders and burning constant double, triple, and even quadruple coverage with his freakish speed look effortless. for the record, rice never saw the crazy coverage moss sees.

Originally Posted by J RAIN 23

and really, moss is on ANOTHER LEVEL than rice.

moss is a super freak that dominates defenseless corners with his disgusting athleticism like no one else in the history of the game. no player has ever made the wide receiver position look so effortless. rice is just a dude who worked hard and ran good routes and benefited greatly from playing with two of the greatest quarterbacks of all time. rice had to struggle and work so hard for every catch and every yard as oppose to moss who makes one handed catches and skying over defenders and burning constant double, triple, and even quadruple coverage with his freakish speed look effortless. for the record, rice never saw the crazy coverage moss sees.


On topic Lawrence might be the best for hisposition as well as being the father of the 3-4 defense, but I dunno about greatest of all time
Originally Posted by J RAIN 23

and really, moss is on ANOTHER LEVEL than rice.

moss is a super freak that dominates defenseless corners with his disgusting athleticism like no one else in the history of the game. no player has ever made the wide receiver position look so effortless. rice is just a dude who worked hard and ran good routes and benefited greatly from playing with two of the greatest quarterbacks of all time. rice had to struggle and work so hard for every catch and every yard as oppose to moss who makes one handed catches and skying over defenders and burning constant double, triple, and even quadruple coverage with his freakish speed look effortless. for the record, rice never saw the crazy coverage moss sees.
i been on NT for like 6 or 7 years and i never had to use this untill today


its one thing to be someones hype man your riding dude worse then a #$$+% trying to get knocked up and milk someone for child support payments. Rice never seenthe coverage moss has? MY $#@!@@# #%* he seen worse

randy moss wont break ANY of rice all time career records because randy moss wont be playing football untill the age of 40 something like rice did. once mossloses his speed he is done for. There is only so long you can out jump and out run people. rice learned that early on and worked on route running and readingdefenses better something moss has NEVER DONE.

even if your going to ride someone the way you do atleast say something that makes sense and not talking out of your #%* in a whole $#@!@@# post. and i donteven think your playing a act your proably really belive the crap you say. proably the homie in everyones group that when it comes to talking sports everyonegives u the "YA OK" treatment to get the convo over quick

and when the %@@% as moss beat a quadruple coverage? let me no so i can laugh at the %#%+%$! QB who still threw it to him when someone else was WIDE OPEN
and really, moss is on ANOTHER LEVEL than rice.
If he makes things look so effortless and hes so godly,how come he has yet to win a ring? I mean I like Randy Moss hes an athletic super freak, yes. But he is no Jerry Rice. IMO you have to win at least one ringto be mentioned as the greatest anything. It was the one thing holding Peyton back, the one thing that will hold Marino back and it will be one of the thingsholding Moss back, amongst other things. I mean, if he doesnt win the ring, at least he has that juice stand thing going for him.

BTW, Moss had a whopping 7 receptions this post-season........
It would be easier to list the records Rice doesnt hold.

This argument is so ridiculous. Football isnt like basketball. You cant argue the single greatest player of all time. LT wouldnt be a good WR and Rice wouldntbe a good LB. Were they the greatest all time at their respective positions? Absolutely. I dont think any football player can be named as the single greatestfootball player of all time, unless he excelled at EVERY position on the field.
I hope that made some sense. lol
randy moss wont break ANY of rice all time career records because randy moss wont be playing football untill the age of 40 something like rice did.
moss will break rice's all time touchdown record. he wont need to play until 40 to break it either. randy is gonna go on a ridiculous tearwith tom. wouldn't surprise me at all if he had 20+ touchdowns a season for the next 5 years and he'll break his own single season touchdown record inthe process. I MEAN, IN RANDY'S FIRST YEAR WITH TOM, HE SCORED 23 TOUCHDOWNS, THEY'RE JUST GETTING STARTED. and really, if you think about it, thesilky smooth way moss plays the game makes him better for the long run. he's a super freak, he won't age like other players.
Originally Posted by J RAIN 23

randy moss wont break ANY of rice all time career records because randy moss wont be playing football untill the age of 40 something like rice did.
moss will break rice's all time touchdown record. he wont need to play until 40 to break it either. randy is gonna go on a ridiculous tear with tom. wouldn't surprise me at all if he had 20+ touchdowns a season for the next 5 years and he'll break his own single season touchdown record in the process. I MEAN, IN RANDY'S FIRST YEAR WITH TOM, HE SCORED 23 TOUCHDOWNS, THEY'RE JUST GETTING STARTED. and really, if you think about it, the silky smooth way moss plays the game makes him better for the long run. he's a super freak, he won't age like other players.

true, that means that he will age quicker than other great receivers. Moss relies on his athleticism to dominate. Once that is gone, and he has to rely onhis routes and other things, he won't be as effective.
Honestly, some of you guys need to chill with the Moss or Colston being the GOAT talk. I mean, I don't think you guys realize how good Rice really was, Hecame from a D 1AA school(yes moss did too) BUT Rice won 3 superbowl rings and played in 4, Moss played in 1 and won ZERO. Rice broke the TD record, in lessthan a complete season(Rice would have set an almost unbreakable record, had he played one full season that year). Moss broke it in one full season, and it wasonly one more TD than RIce had his record breaking season. Not to mention that Colston is too young to be mentioned as a great right now, talk to me in 10years. Moss is a #%*%%#% +$* hole for playing and acting the way he did in Oakland for 2 years. I want you to find two years in the middle of Rice's careerwhere he played as @++!$@ as Moss, and acted like that big of an +$* hole.
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