LC: 11 Bred and Space Jam Help!! will rep!

Aug 11, 2014
Please help! Are they both legit? Thanks in advance.
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I call fake on the gammas. Soles icy af and the 23 is a little crooked. Unsure about the breds, they seem suspect to me for some strange reason tho. Wait on more opinions for both. I've also seen many fake/unauthorized 11's come laced like that.
I would ask for tagged pix first and foremost.. Then a shot of the paper from the Breds..Now the SJs are 100% fake. ESPECIALLY if these are recent pix.
Yeah I was thinking SJs are fake but not sure about breds. What do you mean by the 'paper' though?
I call fake on the gammas. Soles icy af and the 23 is a little crooked. Unsure about the breds, they seem suspect to me for some strange reason tho. Wait on more opinions for both. I've also seen many fake/unauthorized 11's come laced like that.
Fml I meant Space Jams*... But the paper inside of the box... The paper that the shoes were wrapped in. @ticmmae
100% fakes. soles are icy blue when they are suppose to be clear, with yellowing around the traction pods.
need better pics on the breds. but if they are from the same seller then yes they are both fake. SJ are definitely without a doubt fake
agreed if its the same seller its safe to assume the breds are fake as well the SJ's are mos def fake
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