LC: 2001 Jordan 1 Royals

Thank you everyone I can't rep enough jus bought these today an thee was some stuff that had me tripping the number out off xxxxx/50,000 is diff on both shoes an the tag that has those numbers looks long to me an the ball is cut off on both of them witch I can not find another pair where the ball is cut off again I appreciate everything so it's jus quality an I'm tripping?
18201/50000 is one number an 18244/50000 is the other
Chances are it's a mixed pair.. He prob had 2 pair and kept the 2 best looking shoes for himself.Or they swapped them in the store..I've Personally done this before bc one of the shoes I didn't like.Or a simple mix up at the factory..Nothing to be concerned about..Trust me fam these are true.
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Definitely legit despite the things mentioned. Nothing to worry about. This is a really nice looking pair too.
I really don't get this I have been searching for 2 days an can not find another pair like my boys pair he jus bought the kid he bought from told him they where fake an that he was opening a paypal claim an he sold to my boy for 75$ could he have gotten mixed up he did think they where a 2013 pair when the tag says 2001 an literally everything is the same exact everything as the pair u guys said is legit up there except there is no tag on the tongue with numbers ?
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