LC for Adidas Kobe 3s. Rare....

Jun 4, 2009
I won this pair from a trusted seller on eBay. I made the payment and he delivered the shoes.

Now I have problem with the shoes and wish I could return the shoes and get a refund. However, the seller and I have different understandings about the shoes,so we decide to post the shoes here and let ppl here help us to come up with an agreement.

P.S. I have not problem with the seller and his reputation. Just let the shoes speak.

TheBay page:

We can see the title says "ADIDAS KOBE 6 SAMPLE DS SZ 10 VERY RARE! ", means these are sample shoes. Also inside with detailed descriptions, it stillsays: "...DS ADIDAS KOBE 6 SAMPLE..." and "RARE UNRELEASED SHOE" at last. This is so rare and that why I paid the seller $425 with BIN.

First, I think I got a pair of shoes not as descriped. They not apair of samples. See the inside shoe tag:


From above pictures, we can clearly see these shoes are not samples but just regular released shoes. This is already not true to what the seller descriped theshoes as "Samples" and "unreleased". (I understand that eBay sellers usually add more hot key words on title to increase exposure. Butbeyond the title, the inside detailed item decribtion should not be misleading)

This way I think I have got a pair of shoes not as decriped so I am eligibe to get a refund.

Moreover, I doubt that this pair of Adidas Kobe 3s may not be authentic.

The seller was not happy when I contacted him saying that the shoes I've got may not be authentic. He said he won't give me a refund unless I provethese shoes are not authentic. And the way to prove this, is to find a pair of authentic Kobe 3s and make it clear that his shoes are different with theauthentic ones.
To be honest, this is mission impossilbe as it's really hard to find another pair of the same model. So we deside to post on here and let otherknowleddables help us out.

As we can not find another pair of Kobe 3s of the same model, I hope that we do legit checks based on two basic policies:

1. Fakes do not have tags like authentic shoes have.
2. Shoes' tags under a same brand should follow same basic instinctions, even if they are not of a same model.

1)lets get started with the inside shoe tags. (See more profile pictures of the shoes at the end of the post)


Note: the picture in the middle is the tag of the shoes I got from the seller. The other pictures are the Kobe Two and The Kobe 2002 final PE. I set these twoas reference as they are made by same factory (FTY No. CUL 600) and in pretty much the same year.

Here are the links for the Kobe Two and The Kobe 2002 final PE.
The Kobe 2002 Final PE and TheKobe two

As far as I know, the tags of the Kobe 3s (refers as "The shoes")I've got have many problems that indicate these shoes may not be authentic:

1 The shoes have bar code on the inside shoe tag. But NO other shoes in the meantime have bar code. The Kobe Twos do not have it, nether does The Kobe 02 FinalPE Sample. Please see picture 1.

2 The shoes have a date on the tag says "11/01" which indicates the shoes are made in Nov, 2001. However, I personally have a pair of Kobe Twos,which are made in "10/01", that is, in Otc, 2001. So it means that adidas made the Kobe Two and Three at pretty much the same time. This does notmake any sense to me. Do you think Nike make Lebron 6s and 7s at the same time? I mean it makes sense if adidas came up with the Kobe 3 Samples while The KobeTwo was under massive production, but there can't be massive production of shoes of two generations at a same time. Remember, the shoes are regular productnot samples. Please see Picture 2

3 The sizing chart is ridiculous.
a. Under JP standard it can't be 289 (mm). It could be 285 or 290, but 289 does not make sense. This number ends in, and only in 5 or 0.
b. If this is US 10, then it should also be in FR 44 and JP 280. But your shoes says US 10 but FR 45 and JP 289(or 298). Another exception? Check out anofficial link below and pay attention to US 10. see the rest numbers.

Adidas Sizing Chart(From SportsAuthority)
c. Even 289 is all right, the hang-tag reads 298. This shoe is not sure of itself.... Or can we just regard it as an acceptable mistake? Do we see things likethis on other shoes?

In short, there are no other adidas shoes have a tag like the pair I got . If you still have questions, please go to the link below, in which you will seeadidas tag of all kind and all years. See if you may find one like yours. This is a legit check site in Chinese, but you don't have to read, just look atall the pictures.
adidas inside shoe tags of all kinds of all time

2) The only authentic Kobe 3s' I have ever seen carry Hug System which is used in adidas T-Mac 4s'.
Authentic Kobe3 Samples carrying Hug System
--->look at the shoe on the left, pay attention to itsrear. The handle can be pulled out.

3) The name of the shoes. I believe these shoes should be named as "The Kobe 3" or "The Kobe Three", as previous models are named as"The Kobe" and "The Kobe Two"

"The Kobe Six" does not make sense. Maybe if we count in EQT KB8 I~3 and The Kobe and The Kobe two, this is the 6th pair of Kobe shoes. But theyshould still be named after the Kobe and The Kobe Two as The Kobe Three.
EQT KB and The Kobe are two series under Kobe Brand, they are not different.

Like Iverson's shoes with RBK, he has Answers from 1to 12, and also Questions from 1 to 3. But Question 3 can't be named as Answer 12s....

4)The Kobe 3s are dead not because of the Colorado Case; Kobe stopped his cooperation with adidas by himself.

"Nike declined to disclose terms of the deal or possible plans for a Bryant signature shoe or apparel line. Bryant paid $8million to get out of hissix-year contract with Adidas Salomon about a year ago........"

This is the news in June 24 2003. In fact it's 6 days before the Colorado Case which happened in July 1st. Poor Nike....

Long before the Eagle county insident, Kobe deside not to re-new his contract with adidas, which stopped toward the end of 2002 season. Right after Kobe wonthe 3rd NBA title, he begun to wear other brand, and the first was Nike Air Force 1 white/orange. He wore that to play a street ball game in NYC. ------>this is the news, look at the date. ----->this is the video, look at Kobe's feet. That is a pair of NikeAir Force 1 mid.

Therefore, the right consequences are like:
Kobe refused to re-new the contract (toward the ending of 2002 NBA Final)----->Adidas had to cancel the Kobe Three Project(at the beginning of the 02~03 NBAseason)------>Colorado Case (July, 1st 2003)

It's not like what you mentioned:
Colorado Case (July, 1st 2003)----->Adidas had to cancel the Kobe Three Project(at the beginning of the 02~03 NBA season)-------->adidas stoppedcooperation with Kobe. (2002)

5)Do they make fakes of this Model? The story I have heard. This is not official but from the most famous kobe head in Taiwan. He has a entire collection ofKobe Shoes. Hundreds of them.

The Kobe Three was under development during 01~02 season. But Kobe refused to renew his contract with Adidas so the next generation Kobe shoe was dead beforeit had a chance to get released. Only quite a few samples were made. And only samples.

After that, adidas sold the entire manufacture equipment line, include the mold to produce the metallic like Kobe Series. From then on, Adidas didn't comeup with any more shoes made using metallic shinning materials.

But the factory that aquire the equipment and the mold continue to make the Kobe 3 Shoes out of the sample. But the Hug System was canceled.

Back then, I still remember I could get fake Kobe Threes for a quite low prices. Check out the link below. Under current EX rate, these fake shoes sell at$30~$40 US dollors. have all sizes in stock. with silver boxes just like The Kobe Two. Actually I showed you the pics before...

http://www.!#$%$@%#+%#[email protected]/forums/album_pic.php?pic_id=199852

Ok, that is it.....

Now I did my home work and come up with my opinion. I think this shoes are problematic. So I wish I can return them and get a full refund.

My reasons are:
1. These shoes are not Samples as descriped.
2. There is evedince that the shoes are not authentic.

If anyone support my augument, please reply here. The seller and I agree with each other to take futher actions based on your opinions.


P.S. More pictures of the shoes I've received. (I send the shoes to my friend's place for legit check, so the he took the pics for me tagged as LLO. )


uh... well let me see wats wrong here hmmm oh yeah there freakin ADIDAS and its JORDAN BRAND FORUM and website called NIKEtalk!!....but nice shoe haha
too much reading... all that info is completely overwhelming.

but ya, like retromanxvii said, this is JB LC/PC, not adidas
Originally Posted by jordan supreme

too much reading... all that info is completely overwhelming.

but ya, like retromanxvii said, this is JB LC/PC, not adidas
Thanks anyway for your reply....
I know this is JB.... But where do you think I can post this shoes?
Under Other brand, There is no LC subforum....
Originally Posted by retromanxvii

uh... well let me see wats wrong here hmmm oh yeah there freakin ADIDAS and its JORDAN BRAND FORUM and website called NIKEtalk!!....but nice shoe haha

You would know where to post after all.
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