LC on 1999 4s and if Legit can i get a PC

Jan 3, 2009
hey i wanted a LC on a pair of 4s
i dont know i dont think a remeber this color coming out in 1999 but the i never been good with fakes so here they go.
the box, tag, and retro card is throwing me off cuz otherwise i say they OG(maybe but i dont .konw) NT can you help me out i not good with fakes. [table][tr][td] [/td] [/tr][/table]
FAKE!! tongue is off, netting is horrible, not retro'ed in 1999, only in 2006 as the Mars Blackmon 4's, wrong box,wrong box tag
fake, those didn't come out in 99. that's an OG color way that was never retroed with the nike air on the heels (Mars/Lasers). the box is for a pair ofwhite/cement IVs though.

-shouldnt say nike air
-shoes came out in 2006

I got those exact pair on accident and had them in my house they are TERRIBLE quality, the flight patches on the tongue are so crooked....Those are the samepics the seller had up, whats the users name? I filed a claim and got my money back but Im curious if they are at it again
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