LC on XI Cool Greys and CDP

Mar 2, 2011
Hiya! Are these legit? Sorry these are the only photos I have of them






and the CDP



Hiya! Are these legit? Sorry these are the only photos I have of them






and the CDP



Id say the cool greys are definitely legit, its a tough call on the 11's tho. Seeing how there used so you cant really tell the original form. The jumpman wording on the tongue is in the third lace hole which seems to be correct and spacing of the 2 and 3 seems ok on the back. Tough call bro from the pics givin.
Id say the cool greys are definitely legit, its a tough call on the 11's tho. Seeing how there used so you cant really tell the original form. The jumpman wording on the tongue is in the third lace hole which seems to be correct and spacing of the 2 and 3 seems ok on the back. Tough call bro from the pics givin.
Yep, the cool greys look legit. THe CDP's look ok too. Of course, it is hard too tell since they are not definitely not DS and with minimal pics
Yep, the cool greys look legit. THe CDP's look ok too. Of course, it is hard too tell since they are not definitely not DS and with minimal pics
id be extremely cautious with the cdps. the cdp's have two different pairs in the pictures. one of the pictures show the shoes with silver tipped laces, while the other has black tipped? doesn't make sense. the pictures are not tagged at all. CGs are legit, just make sure he's the one w/ them.
id be extremely cautious with the cdps. the cdp's have two different pairs in the pictures. one of the pictures show the shoes with silver tipped laces, while the other has black tipped? doesn't make sense. the pictures are not tagged at all. CGs are legit, just make sure he's the one w/ them.
@ spizike231 - the lace tip on the CDP is not silver, it's just the lighting on the pictures.

both are LEGIT

since the debate is mostly on the CDP

patent leather cut is good
the 23 marking by the heel is prone to rubbing off (for some reason most CDP 11 the marking by the heel comes off after 4-5 wears)
tag on tongue is on the 3rd eyelet
@ spizike231 - the lace tip on the CDP is not silver, it's just the lighting on the pictures.

both are LEGIT

since the debate is mostly on the CDP

patent leather cut is good
the 23 marking by the heel is prone to rubbing off (for some reason most CDP 11 the marking by the heel comes off after 4-5 wears)
tag on tongue is on the 3rd eyelet
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