Feb 25, 2006
EDIT: Would you trade these for DS penny 2s in black/white/blue (OG colour)? Thanks.

NDS (says 9/10 but I think more like 8/10) Grape Vs. The toes look a bit creased and dirty but I bet that could be cleaned super easily. Thanks for your input guys!




These are LEGIT
PC= 190-220$
I have seen DS pairs go for low, all depends on the seller on how much he wants but anywhere from 190-210$ is good for these
Got offered these for my DS penny 2s in the og colour black/white/varsity royal blue - would you do it?
Thanks for your input ppl.
those are 9/10, grapes crease easily and those havent yellowed at all it seems. great shape, id trade
thanks for the opinion guys...i just got a sole pic and an inside of the heel pic...they do look a bit yellow on the bottom but I think I am going to pull the trigger.


thanks for all who replied...i appreciate it

I did not pull the trigger after doing some more homework...the guy is a scammer...his name on NT is Flip Squad 13 (or at least that was his name he created last week while trying to initiate this deal with me). I found the name Flip Squad 13 on ISS and it turns out he was banned many times over for scamming people. I found one guy who he tried to scam with the offering of a nice pair of VNDS Grapes. WATCH OUT for him. Also, his email (or one of his emails) is [email protected]. I dont know where else to post this to warn ppl so if anybody reads this long post and does know then please forward the info or tell me how.
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