Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

They both deserve shame. She obviously set him up out of spite, she didn't release the audio because it was the right thing to do.

Sterling on the other hand, I can't wait until he faces the public. Whether he apologizes or challenges the authenticity of it, his PR is gone to #%^& and nobody will forget about this. Doc, CP, Blake and DJ need to get out of their asap if he doesn't step aside or sell. Sterling doesn't deserve their talents.

This whole situation speaks to the societal issue of what people will do for money. Men will lay their dignity on the line for lavish salaries, women will abandon their morals and degrade themselves to be taken care of, wives will sue the mistress instead of divorcing the cheating husband, and a racist will pay off those who oppose them because it's cheaper to hush than abandon regressive thought processes. What a world we live in.
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It's like getting mad at the prostitute but not mad at the simp who's paying her, giving her a job. At the end of the day anything your shaming her for falls back on HIM because without him she couldn't leech
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Prove it because you sound exactly like a white supremacist pretending to be black online...how you have 10.5k tweets with 50 followers, who you talking to bro?
people I know... as you can see, I don't follow but 50 people too.... 35 of which are sports and sneaker related 

I'm not on social media to interact with a bunch of randoms and "do it for the Vine" --- I chop it up with people I ***** with, get sneaker release info, and keep up with what's going on in sports... 

Lol @ prove it.... man you sound silly as **** right now ... yall ****** really checking for me like that? smh 
Long read but just voicing my thoughts:

According to former players and Sterling's history, his racism beliefs aren't anything new. Stiviano just re-brought them up to the surface and literally into the media's hands, all because of greed. Her motive was to benefit herself and herself only. What does that tell you about her?

Stiviano is scum and should be vilified too because she's selfish and doesn't care about the minorities either. From someone that is supposedly "hurt" from Sterling's hatred towards minorities yet she continued to mooch off him, she deserves no credibility and respect. If anything, she making the minorities look bad. Stiviano shouldn't represent the minorities. Her character represents the lowest of the low and solidifies that she is a gold-digging garden tool.


Who gives a **** about her? Ya'll keep deflecting responsibility off of Sterling because he's had a history of this.

She's a self-righteous thotty, duly noted. Let's move on from that.

The very fact that Sterling wasn't forced out of the NBA a long time ago speaks volumes about the double standard in the NBA. There's been instances where a player has been "permanently" banned from the NBA (later to be reinstated) such as Chris Andersen (for a period of two years from 06-08), Stanley Roberts (3 years), Duane Washington (3 years), and various other guys, usually for substance abuse policy violations.

IDK the next man, but in a league that is predominantly black, whose viewership is arguably predominantly black, and whose future employees are predominantly young Black males I would like to believe that incidents of racism are treated more seriously than substance abuse violations.

The fact that Sterling has been treated with kid-gloves time and again just speaks to that double standard. The fact that he's still an owner speaks volumes to that double standard. The fact that he's only facing a playoff ban for the duration of these playoffs speaks volumes to that double standard.

As stated earlier I'm all for free speech, there are however exceptions. If I'm the head of a major corporation like Subway (for example) I'd have a ZERO tolerance policy in place for racism both for my franchisees and their employees. To be a franchisee is a PRIVILEGE. You don't outright own a damn thing. You follow policy or your privilege is stripped and your forced out of franchise ownership. The NBA collectively with Adam Silver are franchisors, not unlike a 7-11 or Subway, it is their duty to keep garbage like this out of the league, just like they keep dopers out.

Give him a permanent ban, and only reinstate him once he's demonstrated the proper capacity to respect his fellow human being. He doesn't make the game, the players do, the viewers do, not him (as he stated in the recordings). The NBA needs to demonstrate this to him by banning him, not just for the playoff stretch, but indefinitely.

Make an example of him as you did Chris Andersen in '06 and Duane Washington in '88.
And Stiviano is scum. She's a bed wench who has no integrity or morals. She allowed herself to be degraded for money. People who knew about Donald Sterling, knew this already. What she did was a power play to extort or set herself up even better. Where are her parents? How is she 21 sleeping with an 81 year old and has a home with multiple luxury whips she can't afford.
Lotta moistness on NT today
Let me have a billy plus and see if I got any chicks around me older than 25.

Dudes cape'n hard for a known racist who got caught being racist, why does how he got caught matter more than him getting caught?
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These gold-diggers are professionals at what they do though. Yes, Sterling made the comments but I'm sure she provoked him. I'm not saying he shouldn't be held accountable for his words, he did express his thoughts which are racist and wrong. I understand that and he should be punished by the NBA. I'm not siding with either of these scumbags. He is old and Stiviano used these recordings to her advantage, despite being allowed permission to record these conversations in the first place. If she wants respect she should've cut all ties with this guy completely. The money is obviously is what she's after.
Lotta moistness on NT today:{ Let me have a billy plus and see if I got any chicks around me older than 25.

Dudes cape'n hard for a known racist who got caught being racist, why does how he got caught matter more than him getting caught?

Exactly, he has a HISTORY of this. The operative word here being "HISTORY'.

Some of ya'll are clearly missing that key-point. If NBA PLAYERS have been PERMABANNED for PED and cocaine violations then this guy should've been permabanned a loooooooong time ago.

This is not only racism but systematic racism at this point. If the NBA doesn't take a hardline against this it'll be a slap in the face of both players and viewers, especially their black demographic.
These gold-diggers are professionals at what they do though. Yes, Sterling made the comments but I'm sure she provoked him. I'm not saying he shouldn't be held accountable for his words, he did express his thoughts which are racist and wrong. I understand that and he should be punished by the NBA. I'm not siding with either of these scumbags. He is old and Stiviano used these recordings to her advantage, despite being allowed permission to record these conversations in the first place. If she wants respect she should've cut all ties with this guy completely. The money is obviously is what she's after.

IDGAF about her I really don't dude. I don't care if he took the bait, I don't care what her motives are, I don't care, I don't care, I don't give a flying ****.

That's his problem if he socializes with those types of women, not mine. My problem is with him. This isn't a singular incident, this is an ongoing problem and he's been treated with far too much leniency in a league that takes a hardline against substance abuse violations and violence.

He a simp? Not my problem. He falls for predatory women? Not my problem. He makes ugly, hateful commentary against Blacks? I take that personally. And no I'm not Black.
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Look at the agents at work in this thread...

There's a new one every time I come back.
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Sterling's history didn't prevent ****** from signing those contracts and fans from copping tickets... 

but NOW they wanna protest... **** is so silly 

the biggest protest would have been no big names signing and them having a JV team until he left... LA should have been a rookie farm team 

Chris Paul want me to believe he signed a contract extension to stay in a place where he aint do a background check on the people running the show? 

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Who said I'm caping for a racist? We know he's a racist. He's been on record since 1983 and made racial comments in front of Stern in 88 on Danny Manning. This is not a new revelation. It's only catching fire because it can't be ignored due to social media and the relevance of the Clippers. Talking about being moist. You're caping for a bird.
Sterling's history didn't prevent ****** from signing those contracts and fans from copping tickets... 

but NOW they wanna protest... **** is so silly 

the biggest protest would have been no big names signing and them having a JV team until he left... LA should have been a rookie farm team 

Chris Paul want me to believe he signed a contract extension to stay in a place where he aint do a background check on the people running the show? 


Cp3 would've left $27 million on the table had he not signed that extension.

An NBA player should never have to be forced to choose between his livelihood and his principles. The NBA should've protected the players and the viewership from an unscrupulous racist by banning Sterling a long time ago. The burden of responsibility falls on the NBA and the collective of owners.
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Who said I'm caping for a racist? We know he's a racist. He's been on record since 1983 and made racial comments in front of Stern in 88 on Danny Manning. This is not a new revelation. It's only catching fire because it can't be ignored due to social media and the relevance of the Clippers. Talking about being moist. You're caping for a bird.
The bird is irrelevant, why are you so focused on how the info got out? And yes you sound moist over the chicks actions, snitching is in no way shape or form worse than racism.
I'm not disagreeing with you. Just think both Sterling and Stiviano should be both considered wrong. Sterling should be punished by the NBA for his racism and perhaps force him to sell the team. As for Stiviano, what irks me is not purely her lack of morals but rather acting like she cares about the color of her skin and using it as an excuse. She claims she respects Magic Johnson and he's a hero to her which is fine. It's the fact she's trying to take pride in being a minority but she contradicts herself by accepting a single penny from Sterling.
Allegations are a bit different than actually hearing it from that person's mouth, so yeah there's more reaction and active disdain now.
I'm not disagreeing with you. Just think both Sterling and Stiviano should be both considered wrong. Sterling should be punished by the NBA for his racism and perhaps force him to sell the team. As for Stiviano, what irks me is not purely her lack of morals but rather acting like she cares about the color of her skin and using it as an excuse. She claims she respects Magic Johnson and he's a hero to her which is fine. It's the fact she's trying to take pride in being a minority but she contradicts herself by accepting a single penny from Sterling.

She's oblivious to me in this whole ordeal bro. Everything being said about her in terms of how her motives should be considered in the handling of Sterling's commentary is falling on deaf ears as far as I'm concerned.

I won't even speak her name that's how irrelevant this broad is. This is ALL about Donald Sterling, nobody else. She's a peon as far as I'm concerned, random thotty, street-walker, yamb for hire. I wouldn't even spit in her direction.
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Allegations are a bit different than actually hearing it from that person's mouth, so yeah there's more reaction and active disdain now.
from what I briefly read, he's been found guilty of discrimination before and had to pay money... 

besides, if you're being called a racist and all these incidents keep happening over a course of 30 years.... chances are a good bit of it is true 

and even having the reputation should have been enough for players to be like...nahhhhh, im good... but nope 


Doc Rivers had to have heard all the stories .... Doc been associated with the league since the 80's.. he knew Don wasn't ****
from what I briefly read, he's been found guilty of discrimination before and had to pay money... 

besides, if you're being called a racist and all these incidents keep happening over a course of 30 years.... chances are a good bit of it is true 

and even having the reputation should have been enough for players to be like...nahhhhh, im good... but nope 


Doc Rivers had to have heard all the stories .... Doc been associated with the league since the 80's.. he knew Don wasn't ****

exactly, tired of hearing the word "allegedly". He's a serial bigot.
if @benballer still wears that shirt tmrw, I will forever respect that dude and give him props to the fullest. lol


Nick Fasulo @nickfasuloSBN Follow

State Farm is pulling its sponsorship of the Clippers. Wow. Others expected to do the same.

10:21 AM - 28 Apr 2014

Arash Markazi        [emoji]10004[/emoji] @ArashMarkazi Follow
The Clippers cancel practice tomorrow.

7:47 PM - 27 Apr 2014

Arash Markazi        [emoji]10004[/emoji] @ArashMarkazi Follow
Clippers will not only not have practice but there will be no player availability for the media tomorrow. #DayOff

8:07 PM - 27 Apr 2014

Chris Palmer        [emoji]10004[/emoji] @ChrisPalmerNBA Follow

Mark Jackson says fans shouldn't show up. Not gonna happen. Just the opposite. Fans will be louder than ever.

3:20 PM - 28 Apr 2014

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