Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

the only reason why this is being broadcasted is because  dude got caught, 

ESPN now HAS to respond, they cant sweep this under the rug, all these rich racists are usually buddies with the big wigs of these networks and publications.

all of these sports owners also feel the same way, they hate seeing rappers on their sidelines but love the publicity.

this is nothing new, his cum bucket just aired him out though.
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Is Jason Whitlock on ESPN?
This dude whitlock. lol I swear every issue dealing with race he ties it back to hip hop in someway.
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The popular belief that time has anything to do with the relevance of racism only makes our people better chattel.

As long as the idea of "race" exists, then this isn't even news.

That being said, I'm not even mad at him.

His punishment won't be that serious.
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The saddest part about this issue is that I doubt cp3 or griffin will even speak on it and if they do it'll be some bs like " I'm only playing for the fans'. lol
From artemusgordon's IG.

#AGonIGSoapbox: Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling is a very smart man BUT you can have all the business sense and learned knowledge and still be completely ignorant. Donald Sterling is one of the wealthiest owners in the NBA and one of the more wealthy people in Southern California which means he's not just "Up" but "Up, Up". He is still a donkey. What he owns is what they don't make any more, LAND. He is probably the number one landowner in So. Cal. He basically owns ALL of San Diego(the original home of the Los Angeles Clippers), Hollywood, West Hollywood, and HALF of Beverly Hills. When you drive all over LA and you see "Peterson" signs on buildings, that's him. The Peterson Automotive Museum where BIG lost his life: Donald Sterling's. People don't realize that he owns so much the he might need the Clippers to be bad because it is a tax write off because he has to show losses somewhere. He is waaaay more wealthy than the Buss family that owns the Lakers but puts in half the money they spend on their club. Sterling was sued by the federal government because he instructed his building superintendents that ran properties in the Koreatown area to only rent to Koreans because "they pay rent on time" and to never rent to Blacks. Sterling used to bring his lady guests into the Clippers locker room after games WHILE THEY WERE CHANGING to show of his negroes while using quotes like, "Look at their beautiful Black Bodies." So now he has a half Black and Mexican GF that he doesn't want anyone to know is Black or associates with Blacks and NOW we're surprised???? I am disappointed with ESPN and the NBA in terms of the coverage of this story but they are all partners and can't have the story be the lead throughout the playoffs. So I guarantee you that John Skipper(head of ESPN) and Adam Silver(head of the NBA) are working around the clock to diffuse this bomb because they can't have their league that's SUPPOSED to be so inclusive be revealed for how exclusive it really is.
the only reason why this is being broadcasted is because  dude got caught, 

ESPN now HAS to respond, they cant sweep this under the rug, all these rich racists are usually buddies with the big wigs of these networks and publications.

all of these sports owners also feel the same way, they hate seeing rappers on their sidelines but love the publicity.

this is nothing new, his cum bucket just aired him out though.

ESPN has gone all in now
Players and even the fans should start to threaten to boycott if something is not done. I'm talking about ALL players. Get everyone on one page and change will happen. It only take one event to get the ball rolling.
The question is...is your boss being a racists worth your childhood dreams of winning a championship?

Personally, i don't blame them either way....it's hard for me to tell someone else to completely turn their back on somehting they've wanted for as long as they can remember because it would benefit a racists...but if these dudes stand on their principles then thats cool also.
fan's should just not show up at the game.

no reason to penalize the players. basically if no one shows up, he has to pay the players out of his own pocket and not ticket sales.
The question is...is your boss being a racists worth your childhood dreams of winning a championship?

Personally, i don't blame them either way....it's hard for me to tell someone else to completely turn their back on somehting they've wanted for as long as they can remember because it would benefit a racists...but if these dudes stand on their principles then thats cool also.

CAn I ask you. Would you want to win a champion for your racist boss? or take you talents elsewhere.

I swear some of you guy fail to see the big picture.
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The question is...is your boss being a racists worth your childhood dreams of winning a championship?

Personally, i don't blame them either way....it's hard for me to tell someone else to completely turn their back on somehting they've wanted for as long as they can remember because it would benefit a racists...but if these dudes stand on their principles then thats cool also.

Clips ain't bout to get a ring this year anyways :lol

But In all seriousness. Can't fault the players for continuing to play. However it'd be nice for them to publicly say something tho eventually.
fan's should just not show up at the game.

no reason to penalize the players. basically if no one shows up, he has to pay the players out of his own pocket and not ticket sales.

C'mon man. That will NEVER happen. Sterling's racist ways have been documented for DECADES. You think this will be the straw that breaks the camels back? Nope. This will be a hot-button topic for a while and then it will be put on the backburner.

If fans/players wanted to make a stand, they could have picked any year from 1979 until now.

I get the outrage because Sterling is a racist ****, but where was it before today? Sterling's racist ways didn't stop Blake Griffin from re-upping w/ the team. Sterling's racist ways didn't stop CP3 for accepting a trade to the Clippers. Sterling's racist ways didn't stop DeAndre Jordan from getting his $. It goes on and on. These guys know EXACTLY who is signing their checks. If it was as big of an issue as people are making it seem, some sort of stand would have been made YEARS ago. It's a ******* shame. :{
The question is...is your boss being a racists worth your childhood dreams of winning a championship?

Personally, i don't blame them either way....it's hard for me to tell someone else to completely turn their back on somehting they've wanted for as long as they can remember because it would benefit a racists...but if these dudes stand on their principles then thats cool also.

CAn I ask you. Would you want to win a champion for your racist boss? or take you talents elsewhere.

I swear some of you guy fail to see the big picture.

This is tough cause those players put in a lot of work for a championship.
Not surprised one bit about this. It's been known that Sterling is a racist piece of ****, people just swept it under the rug. I'm sure there are other owners with this mindset. Dan Gilbert kinda exposed himself when LeBron left Cleveland.

I don't think there's a right or wrong way for the players to handle this, tough position to be in.
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I had a thread on here a year or two back asking if you were paid EXTREMELY well, would you mind if your boss was a racist. Not surprisingly, many NTers said they wouldn't care...
I definitely remember that thread!
[thread="547134"]If The Money Was Right Could You Work For A Blatantly Racist Person  [/thread]
@JJs07 made it clear about the boss being BLATANTLY racist towards you, other people in your presence.

Some of the comments were

Yup in a heart beat
Oh, come on! You people worked for free for centuries, now you won't take the money? 
 Silly ******* 

Just about everyone is racist, deal with it.
Gimme 50 million or Imma quit... lol

But nah if you give me 500K+ a year, call me names, make jokes, talk about my ancestors, i don't care, just make sure you don't have hot daughter of age. Imma smang that out and laugh as I collect my pay checks that I've been stashing away for when you find out. Black D*** all in ya spouse again!
ur gassing sterlings racism in the first place.  hes an NBA owner for crying out loud stop trying to make him seem like a kkk leader.
dog i wouldnt care how racist a dude is, for a 107 mill he can call me ****** & **** all damn day if he want to
In a heartbeat. You'll be a fool not to
Judge all you want. For a mil I would work for a racist.

9 figures I would go to work dressed like Chicken George happy every damn day. Might eem dance a little for a 10% bonus.
For 107 mil, he could wake me up every morning yelling racial slurs.
These are just some of them, but talk about spineless. 
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Thot aint even married or have a kid with him. She just threw away her "dreams" for the greater good. A 21st Centrury MLK...
I will be honest, I will be severely disappointed if the Clippers players take the court for this man.

I know corporations have HR teams that will defend their interest regarding their money. Also, I am sure the NBAPA will fight for them too and I cannot see the public, fellow players and teams supporting the players

Players have to take a stand!
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Bill Simmons

1 hr  · 

I'm on national TV - today and tomorrow. If you were me, how would you use that forum as well as this Facebook forum plus my Twitter forum to go after the Unfrozen Caveman Racist NBA Owner Donald Sterling? How would you mobilize Clippers fans to protest him on Tuesday night? How would you pressure the NBA into keeping him away from Clipper home games and making him sell the team? Respectful/reasonable suggestions please...

bill simmons taking ideas on facebook if anyone is interested 
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