Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

edit: this is a misunderstanding dude. We're in agreement. 
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Can someone give me some cliffs on the bomani Jones clip.

Its not working fit me and in interested in what every one is hype about.

Bomani >>>

But I would laugh at anyone who thinks CP and BG are those guys. Situations aren't even remotely comparable IMO. I mean I guess because it's racism they are comparable but still, there's too much liberty being had and money being made by the players to suggest that their situation rivals a Jackie Robinson, Muhammad ali, or Roberto Clemente.

The situations aren't comparable, that's why it wouldn't be difficult it get what they want.

Imagine if the Clippers don't suit up tomorrow, imagine if they say they won't play another game until Sterling is forced to sell the team. Everyone, this whole nation will be behind them. The NBA couldn't suspend the clippers for taking a stand. The NbA would do anything and everything to save the brand/product before having the players boycott games.

It's time, stand up for yourself CP3, put your dreams on hold for one min and take a stand. He's the leader. Forget what Doc Rivers says.
Can someone give me some cliffs on the bomani Jones clip.

Its not working fit me and in interested in what every one is hype about.

Bomani >>>

ppl pick and choose when to get all outraged over racism and he references white flight and blockbusting particularly in chicago but really u gotta listen to the whole thing even great cliffs won't do it justice
Can someone give me some cliffs on the bomani Jones clip.

Its not working fit me and in interested in what every one is hype about.

Bomani >>>

Just download the podcast on iTunes. Look for Dan Le Batard's show. He's on part 3 on the 4-28-14 show. 
The situations aren't comparable, that's why it wouldn't be difficult it get what they want.

Imagine if the Clippers don't suit up tomorrow, imagine if they say they won't play another game until Sterling is forced to sell the team. Everyone, this whole nation will be behind them. The NBA couldn't suspend the clippers for taking a stand. The NbA would do anything and everything to save the brand/product before having the players boycott games.

It's time, stand up for yourself CP3, put your dreams on hold for one min and take a stand. He's the leader. Forget what Doc Rivers says.

Completely agree with you. I doubt they'll do it though, if this happened in the regular season maybe.
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I doubt they'll do it either.

And I find that pathetic and selfish if they do suit up.

The argument is being made that the owner doesn't have anything to do with them. I disagree with this because they are "working" for him. As long as they're doing their job its all good, but if they were Black fans seen with his girlfriend he wouldn't want them there :{

I didn't see the game they just played. Were there a lot of Black fans there?
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The argument is being made that the owner doesn't have anything to do with them. I disagree with this because they are "working" for him. As long as they're doing their job its all good, but if they were Black fans he wouldn't want them there :{

I didn't see the game they just played. Were there a lot of Black fans there?

The owner has nothing to do with what the players want to accomplish and achieve in the league. I agree with that.

But in this situation, your dreams and aspirations should be put on hold. This is bigger than basketball games and tv ratings. This is humanity. I'll never look at CP3 the same way again if they don't do something.
The owner has nothing to do with what the players want to accomplish and achieve in the league. I agree with that.

But in this situation, your dreams and aspirations should be put on hold. This is bigger than basketball games and tv ratings. This is humanity. I'll never look at CP3 the same way again if they don't do something.
hell no.  these guys shouldn't have to stop doing what they love and know to start being political activists just because some racist opinion that we weren't supposed to hear got broadcasted to the world.  hate cp3 for whining and flopping but don't hate the man for wanting to go about his business and not let unworthy opinions get in the way of his goals.  especially when a 2 1/2 hour game of basketball is probably the only escape they currently get from this mess of a situation.  
hell no.  these guys shouldn't have to stop doing what they love and know to start being political activists just because some racist opinion that we weren't supposed to hear got broadcasted to the world.  hate cp3 for whining and flopping but don't hate the man for wanting to go about his business and not let unworthy opinions get in the way of his goals.  especially when a 2 1/2 hour game of basketball is probably the only escape they currently get from this mess of a situation.  


I thought when he said that about CP3 he was being satirical. Dude legit wants these dudes to have to compromise their careers to do something that no player in the NBA should ever have to be in a position to do in this day and age.


Again it's the NBA's burden of responsibility to protect its players, its viewers and all its constituents from bigotry.
DALLAS -- Mavericks owner Mark Cuban believes the NBA would be a better league without Donald Sterling in it, but Cuban called the potential scenario of forcing the Los Angeles Clippers owner to sell the team in wake of the racist comments attributed to him "a slippery slope."

Cuban was one of several NBA owners to make strong comments about Sterling on Monday, a day before commissioner Adam Silver is scheduled to hold a press conference in New York to make an announcement regarding the league's investigation into the issue.

However, Cuban was the only one to express concern about the potential precedent that could be set by forcing Sterling to leave the league.

[+] EnlargeMark Cuban
Jerome Miron/USA TODAY Sports
Mavs owner Mark Cuban called comments attributed to Donald Sterling "abhorrent," but said he thinks kicking out an owner would be a "slippery slope."
"I think there's a constitution for a reason, right? Because this is a very slippery slope," Cuban said before Game 4 of the Mavericks-San Antonio Spurs series. "What Donald said was wrong. It was abhorrent. There's no place for racism in the NBA, any business I'm associated with, and I don't want to be associated with people who have that position.

"But at the same time, that's a decision I make. I think you've got to be very, very careful when you start making blanket statements about what people say and think, as opposed to what they do. It's a very, very slippery slope.

"Again, there's no excuse for his positions. There's no excuse for what he said. There's no excuse for anybody to support racism. There's no place for it in our league, but there's a very, very, very slippery slope."

Houston Rockets owner Leslie Alexander, on the other hand, made it clear in an interview with the Houston Chronicle that he wanted Sterling to be forced out of the league.

Like Cuban, Alexander interpreted the NBA constitution to not allow the commissioner to have the power to remove an owner except for gambling. However, Alexander said he suggested to Silver that all the Clippers players could be given the option to become free agents after this season, a step toward driving Sterling out of the league.

"This kind of behavior can't be allowed in the NBA by owners, players or anybody," Alexander told the paper. "This guy has no place in the family of the NBA. Whatever it takes, we have to make sure this kind of event never happens again."

Jeanie Buss, whose family owns the Clippers' building-mate Los Angeles Lakers, also released a statement on Monday.

"The comments and sentiments expressed on the tape are reprehensible and disturbing, and certainly are the opposite of how the Lakers feel about the league's players and fans. I have full confidence that Adam Silver and the NBA will handle this situation appropriately."

Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert issued perhaps the most strongly worded statement on Monday.

"It is shocking that anyone could hold the kind of offensive and feeble-minded views that are being attributed allegedly to the Clippers owner, Donald Sterling,'' Gilbert said in the statement. "The diverse staff members of the Cleveland Cavaliers franchise are united in encouraging commissioner Silver and the NBA to respond with swift and appropriate action consistent with a strong zero tolerance approach to this type of reprehensible behavior."

Cuban said he would support any decision the commissioner made in regards to disciplining Sterling, but Cuban believes the league constitution will limit that to a fine and suspension. Other owners called for harsh punishment.

"We trust (NBA) commissioner Adam Silver to handle this matter swiftly and properly, but let me state without reservation: There is no place for prejudice or intolerance in our league, or anywhere else," Detroit Pistons owner Tom Gores said in a statement. "That's not a debatable point. It's a first principle."

A statement from Portland Trail Blazers owner Paul Allen read, "The kind of statements attributed to Clippers owner Donald Sterling, if true, are abhorrent, and not acceptable for the owner of an NBA franchise or anyone in professional sports. We at the Trail Blazers reject any and all such sentiments, and believe NBA leadership should take swift and impactful action in this case."

Cuban was concerned about an arbitrary line being set for forcing people out of the league due to controversial beliefs that could be considered offensive.

"In this country, people are allowed to be morons," Cuban said. "They're allowed to be stupid. They're allowed to think idiotic thoughts.

"Within an organization like the NBA, we try to do what's in the best interest of the league and that's why we have a commissioner and a constitution and I think Adam will be smart and deal with Donald with the full extent available. But, again, if you're saying a blanket, 'Let's kick him out?' I don't want to go that far because it's not about Donald, it's not about his position, it's about his mess -- and what are we going to make a decision on?

Cuban added that it was "damn scary" to ponder the thought of attempting to remove somebody from the NBA because of their private thoughts.

"In no uncertain terms am I supporting what Donald Sterling said, or his position," Cuban said. "He's obviously racist, he's obviously bigoted. And in this day and age when you're in the public eye, you've got to be damn careful -- if that's your position and that's unfortunately where you're at -- you better be damn careful what you say, even in the privacy of your own home.

"But regardless of your background, regardless of the history they have, if we're taking something somebody said in their home and we're trying to turn it into something that leads to you being forced to divest property in any way, shape or form, that's not the United States of America. I don't want to be part of that."

I support free speech but man **** Mark Cuban man.

NBA with all its zero-tolerance policies. Having previously permabanned guys like Chris Andersen (yes he was obviously later reinstated, two years later, others have been banned for 3 years or more as I stated earlier) the NBA needs to take a similarly stern approach with Sterling, period.

At this juncture it's clear outspoken *** Cuban is protecting himself. The dude is sitting there picturing himself being on the hotseat for saying ignorant commentary (probably not racist commentary but we all know Cuban has the propensity to put his foot in his mouth).

Cuban should just shut up. Love how he conveniently ignores the fact that his isn't Sterling's first time doing this. Should his punishment not reflect his prior transgressions? :lol I see you Mark, ulterior motives and all.

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You either drag and drop the .gifs/images to your desktop and access them via the image tab on the reply section on NT. Or you can link the image from the host site using the same image tab on the reply section.

Hope that helps.
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Clippers didn't show up to practice today wow.
Idiotic to throw away a chance at a title because of all this.

Dudes trying to make a stance like they're Jesse Owens or Jackie Robinson. Give me a break. Those dudes went through legit racist hardship. These are millionaires who didnt give 2 ish about this a week ago. 
Idiotic to throw away a chance at a title because of all this.

Dudes trying to make a stance like they're Jesse Owens or Jackie Robinson. Give me a break. Those dudes went through legit racist hardship. These are millionaires who didnt give 2 ish about this a week ago. :rolleyes

That's not all. Many famous stars are trying to campaign a "ESC" Empty Seat Campaign.
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