Legit Check For 2011 White/Cement 3's sz 9

May 22, 2004
I bought these from a seller off craigslist for $180. The box looks good but i'm not sure if they are 100% authentic or if they are b -  grades or fakes.The Elephant print on the right shoe looks good but the elephant print on the left shoe is actually lighter than the right shoe. It came with these creases in the toe box area of the right shoe.  The pics are below. If theres anyone who can tell me if these are real or fake, the help would be appreciated. Thanks.




^ Thanks.

I bought the cements first on 1/22/11 but sold em, now I bought em again so I dont have another pair I can compare them to. I was just worried about this particular pair because the elephant print on the left shoe is visibly lighter than the print on the right shoe which is more noticeable in person than in pics. Also the elephant print paper that   the box came  with  is also lighter than the paper that came in my box of true blue III's.

Also on the inside of the top lid cover for the box of my true blue III's I see small writing in white that reads
11HOF18_LID 338 x 240 x 18

. On the inside of  my box lid for white cements it does not have that writing. Also there was no size stickers on the insoles at all and I remember when I bought the cements back in January , there were size stickers on the insoles of each shoe. I will take more tetailed pics of this later on today or tomorrow morning , I would do it now but I have to step out my house to go somewhere and won't be back until later tonight.If anyone else can give me more feedback on wether or not these shoes in the pics are 100% authentic , or fake, or b - grade and a reason why they are help would be appreciated. Thanks and the other pic will be up later.
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