Legit check green glow 4

looks good to me but wait for other opinions, ask for better pics and check if that tongue is  tucked in or not coz it looks a bit short from that pic.
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yeah seems legit, as i mentioned aside from the tongue that is a bit short, factory lacing on the right pair is still there and the support of the shoe tree is also there, dont see any fakes with that support.
i do not know....but what about the jump mans arm on the tongue.......aint it a bit thin.....and the other hand on the back of the shoe doesn't look like a hand.....but i am no expert.....

idk these are mines and there mos def legit i think the arm is just skinny on purpose
ok....convnced....still looks ******....:D if i would see someone and didn't know i would think the shoes are fake...because of the arm ......
they could be GMs..They look close but... Look at the short tongues vs BCs pair and not to mention the super square and tall toe boxs.. look at the RT shoe toe box in pic 2.. GM red flag all day IMO.. IDK though Im on the fence with these.
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im starting to lean towards GM as well the tongue does seem short and that fact the seller wont show the tongue is raising red flags to me i would stay away OP
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