Legit check on South Beach LBJ 8's (2 different pairs)

Dec 30, 2008
Hey Guys, I need a legit check on 2 different pairs of South Beach LBJ 8's.

1st pair...

2nd pair ...
These are fakes - both of them

You can tell by the flimsy tongues, air bags are a blue-%@# color (probably not even a real air bag), and no elephant print around the leather black lace area

Part around the Nike Swoosh is also blue-%@#, where it should be clear-%@#

Lace locks are solid teal blue and not clear-%@# blue as well

Use this vide as a guide

These are fakes - both of them

You can tell by the flimsy tongues, air bags are a blue-%@# color (probably not even a real air bag), and no elephant print around the leather black lace area

Part around the Nike Swoosh is also blue-%@#, where it should be clear-%@#

Lace locks are solid teal blue and not clear-%@# blue as well

Use this vide as a guide

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