Legit check website

Curious what you based your opinion on? Feedback from someone who has purchased from them?
not real brotha or a scam site, either way, stay away/shop at your own risk
They've got shoes that aren't even close to being released. That's sketchy by itself.
I actually know one of the owners personally (Tony). They are legit! They do technically sell "unauthorized" stuff...But all the shoes are legit and authentic.

You gotta remember that all these shoes, like the Columbia 11s (Legend Blue 11s) start production months in advance before Nike's official release. China is a whole different world compared to the US. People there are poor and make next to nothing working long hours at these factories. So its quite common for them to leak / steal the shoes and sell them to outside re-sellers. I know that Retro-Laced has an office in China and thats where they get the early releases from. You gotta remember that they are making 400-500 thousand pairs of the 11s....and its very common that a few thousand of these pairs get leaked.

Are they fake? NO, but they are unauthorized as they are not authorized to sell the shoes before the official release date. I know lots of people who have ordered from them and have always gotten legit shoes.

Also most scam sites / sites selling fakes would not accept PayPal. Thats the easiest way to tell. Because if a site is selling fakes they will get shut down by paypal really quick.

They've got shoes that aren't even close to being released. That's sketchy by itself.
I actually know one of the owners personally (Tony). They are legit! They do technically sell "unauthorized" stuff...But all the shoes are legit and authentic.

You gotta remember that all these shoes, like the Columbia 11s (Legend Blue 11s) start production months in advance before Nike's official release. China is a whole different world compared to the US. People there are poor and make next to nothing working long hours at these factories. So its quite common for them to leak / steal the shoes and sell them to outside re-sellers. I know that Retro-Laced has an office in China and thats where they get the early releases from. You gotta remember that they are making 400-500 thousand pairs of the 11s....and its very common that a few thousand of these pairs get leaked.

Are they fake? NO, but they are unauthorized as they are not authorized to sell the shoes before the official release date. I know lots of people who have ordered from them and have always gotten legit shoes.

Also most scam sites / sites selling fakes would not accept PayPal. Thats the easiest way to tell. Because if a site is selling fakes they will get shut down by paypal really quick.

unauthorized are fakes, that's just somethin they call good fakes to fill gullible people (no they aren't made in Nike factories). so they sell fakes. Not ****** wit it, end of story
I actually know one of the owners personally (Tony). They are legit! They do technically sell "unauthorized" stuff...But all the shoes are legit and authentic.

You gotta remember that all these shoes, like the Columbia 11s (Legend Blue 11s) start production months in advance before Nike's official release. China is a whole different world compared to the US. People there are poor and make next to nothing working long hours at these factories. So its quite common for them to leak / steal the shoes and sell them to outside re-sellers. I know that Retro-Laced has an office in China and thats where they get the early releases from. You gotta remember that they are making 400-500 thousand pairs of the 11s....and its very common that a few thousand of these pairs get leaked.

Are they fake? NO, but they are unauthorized as they are not authorized to sell the shoes before the official release date. I know lots of people who have ordered from them and have always gotten legit shoes.

Also most scam sites / sites selling fakes would not accept PayPal. Thats the easiest way to tell. Because if a site is selling fakes they will get shut down by paypal really quick.

If you only knew how wrong you were homie.. "Tony" done sold you hook, line and sinker.. It's pretty obvious you know nothing about manufacturing or you would know you don't sneak a few thousand pairs of anything out a back door...HAHAHAHAH. That's just foolish. The shoes are fake PERIOD.
PLENTY I repeat PLENTY of fake sellers accept PayPal as well...The best advise I could give you is STOP shopping with "Tony" bro and get ANY and EVERYTHING you have bought there LCed ASAP...

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If you only knew how wrong you were homie.. "Tony" done sold you hook, line and sinker.. It's pretty obvious you know nothing about manufacturing or you would know you don't sneak a few thousand pairs of anything out a back door...HAHAHAHAH. That's just foolish. The shoes are fake PERIOD.
PLENTY I repeat PLENTY of fake sellers accept PayPal as well...The best advise I could give you is STOP shopping with "Tony" bro and get ANY and EVERYTHING you have bought there LCed ASAP...

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Ok first of no disrespect intended. But do YOU know anything about the manufacturing process? I’m half Chinese and have spent time in China. Do you think Nike has 1 big factory where they produce all their shoes?  And do you think it’s secure facility that has 100% control of what goes on?

Obviously NOT! Most of their shoes are produced in China in a city called Dongguan to be exact. They have their own factory and also work with many other sub contracted factories.

Dongguan is notorious for having Nike workers / employees / and even higher-level staff members leaking / stealing and re-selling shoes direct from their factories and subcontracted factories. Where do you think all the samples and  “Sneak Preview” photos found all over the web on places like nicekicks, sneakernews and even this site come from? Are they all fake? It’s obviously not Nike taking the pictures and sending them out.

You need to open your eyes brother. Not everywhere in the world is the same. China is a communist country and things there are a lot different then the US. The laws and the way things work in general.

Most shoes especially major releases start production months in advance. For example the Infrared 6’s and Columbia 11’s both started production 6 months or more before the scheduled release dates.  In some cases they are making 500k pairs of a single shoe…do you really think they make them all a week before release in 1 factory in the US?

I do agree there are lots of strait up fakes going around. Most of them are pretty bad and easily distinguishable from the authentic product. But as you mentioned there are also MANY high quality fakes that would fool most, but not real sneaker heads.

I’ve been collecting kicks for over 20 years and have over 140 pairs of shoes. I have bought sold and traded shoes from everywhere including places like flight club, nike, foot locker, sneaker conventions and more. I can spot even a high quality fake quite easily. Smell the shoe…If its smells off then that’s a dead give away. It should have that new kick smell. Most fakes even high quality ones use different glues and dyes which smell noticeably different. Weigh the shoe; most fakes are made from different materials, which don’t weigh the same as authentic. Check the box; make sure it’s the right size as lots of fakes come in slightly smaller boxes.  Also when you get the shoes check the lacing. Are they factory laced? If not that’s a pretty big red flag. Check the stitching throughout the shoe. Take out the insole (It should be hard to remove in an authentic pair) And check the numbers on the inner side of the insole.

I’m not trying to defend anyone, but I can personally guarantee you retro-laced is one of the FEW places selling authentic early release items.  When I said they sell authentic, but unauthorized shoes, I did not mean shoes made in unauthorized factories. I meant shoes made by nike, for nike, which has passed through Nike quality control. But they are technically “unauthorized” to be sold as they have not been officially released yet.  

I think you need to a bit of research before making claims about things you don’t know. Take a trip to China and you will see what really goes on.

Ok first of no disrespect intended. But do YOU know anything about the manufacturing process? I’m half Chinese and have spent time in China. Do you think Nike has 1 big factory where they produce all their shoes?  And do you think it’s secure facility that has 100% control of what goes on?

Obviously NOT! Most of their shoes are produced in China in a city called Dongguan to be exact. They have their own factory and also work with many other sub contracted factories.

Dongguan is notorious for having Nike workers / employees / and even higher-level staff members leaking / stealing and re-selling shoes direct from their factories and subcontracted factories. Where do you think all the samples and  “Sneak Preview” photos found all over the web on places like nicekicks, sneakernews and even this site come from? Are they all fake? It’s obviously not Nike taking the pictures and sending them out.

You need to open your eyes brother. Not everywhere in the world is the same. China is a communist country and things there are a lot different then the US. The laws and the way things work in general.

Most shoes especially major releases start production months in advance. For example the Infrared 6’s and Columbia 11’s both started production 6 months or more before the scheduled release dates.  In some cases they are making 500k pairs of a single shoe…do you really think they make them all a week before release in 1 factory in the US?
I do agree there are lots of strait up fakes going around. Most of them are pretty bad and easily distinguishable from the authentic product. But as you mentioned there are also MANY high quality fakes that would fool most, but not real sneaker heads.

I’ve been collecting kicks for over 20 years and have over 140 pairs of shoes. I have bought sold and traded shoes from everywhere including places like flight club, nike, foot locker, sneaker conventions and more. I can spot even a high quality fake quite easily. Smell the shoe…If its smells off then that’s a dead give away. It should have that new kick smell. Most fakes even high quality ones use different glues and dyes which smell noticeably different. Weigh the shoe; most fakes are made from different materials, which don’t weigh the same as authentic. Check the box; make sure it’s the right size as lots of fakes come in slightly smaller boxes.  Also when you get the shoes check the lacing. Are they factory laced? If not that’s a pretty big red flag. Check the stitching throughout the shoe. Take out the insole (It should be hard to remove in an authentic pair) And check the numbers on the inner side of the insole.
I’m not trying to defend anyone, but I can personally guarantee you retro-laced is one of the FEW places selling authentic early release items.  When I said they sell authentic, but unauthorized shoes, I did not mean shoes made in unauthorized factories. I meant shoes made by nike, for nike, which has passed through Nike quality control. But they are technically “unauthorized” to be sold as they have not been officially released yet.  
I think you need to a bit of research before making claims about things you don’t know. Take a trip to China and you will see what really goes on.
YADA, YADA, YADA...Hahaha yea ok partna.. YOUR site has FULL SIZE RUNS of Infra 6s and Legend Blues Tony...NO ONE gets full size runs of ERs buddy... Sorry brother but you ain't about to tell me some ish I already KNOW to be FACT from my 20+ years in the game..

An just for kicks it don't matter how many pair of kicks you own if half of them are fake or "unauthorized" as you knuckleheads like to call them.

Do yourself a favor and watch that video bro. Think outside the box.
YADA, YADA, YADA...Hahaha yea ok partna.. YOUR site has FULL SIZE RUNS of Infra 6s and Legend Blues Tony...NO ONE gets full size runs of ERs buddy... Sorry brother but you ain't about to tell me some ish I already KNOW to be FACT from my 20+ years in the game..

An just for kicks it don't matter how many pair of kicks you own if half of them are fake or "unauthorized" as you knuckleheads like to call them.

Do yourself a favor and watch that video bro. Think outside the box.
First off its NOT my site...I just know the people who own it and have known them for years. I know they are good people and thats why i'm here trying to explain to you.
So because a site has a full size run that means its fake? 

When the shoes are brought out from the factories the people that leak them combine all the pairs and sell them as lots. Its basically a first come first basis...and almost an autcion. I have seen this with my own eyes. Its not 1 guy coming out with one shoe. They collect the shoes and sell lots of normally 30-40 pairs at a time of mixed sizes.

Some times it will be as many as 60-70 pairs which they combine to 1 lot and sell to whoever is willing to buy them all at the best price.

 FYI I have seen every single episode of the sneaker mafia sit down.

Anyway you are entitled to your opinion. I think you should really take a trip to China to see what is going on.

Im not dis-agreeing there are tons of factories and people in China making fakes...high quality...low quality...whatever. But there are also people who are leaking authentic pairs which are strait leaks from the factory.

If you want to tell yourself that this doesn't happen to make you feel better than thats fine with me. Im just trying to tell you whats really going...What i have seen first hand with my own eyes.
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