Leona Lewis punched in the head at book signing...WHAT THE?!?!

Dec 29, 2008
sorry if i'm late I searched and nothing came up

While this is def. f-ed up, I can picture it in my head and i'm
but man hitting a girl like that? issues

LONDON (AFP) - British singer LeonaLewis was punched in the head during a book signing in London on Wednesday, her spokesman said.

Lewis, 24, had been signing copies of her autobiography for around 90 minutes at a book store in the upmarket Piccadilly district of London when "a guy came up and punched her to the side of the head," the spokesman said.

The three-time Grammy Award nominee suffered bruising to the side of her head and was "understandably badly shaken."

The spokesman said he did not hear the man say anything to Lewis during the "unprovoked" incident and security officers swiftly intervened.

A police spokesman said a man had been arrested in connection with the alleged assault.

Lewis was catapulted to fame by winning a TV talent show in 2006. In 2008, she became the first British woman to top the US charts for more than 20 yearswith her single "Bleeding Love".
I didn't know she had a book but keeping to the subject ive seen her on T.V can't see why people would wana do that to her shes a nice person.

how the hell does someone just appear out of nowhere and punch someone in the head?
I can picture dude bursting though the line and hittin her with a Chuck Liddell esque punch
Punching a woman? I hope the footage or this guy gets released so that everyone sees how manly he is.
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