let this thread die (NYK)

I don't care if Melo is off, especially since the team is winning and he is playing consistent on the defensive end, the effort is there.

I honestly think in combination with his finger/wrist issues he is using a lot of his energy on the defensive end, something he is not used to, and that can easily effect your offense if your conditioning is not where it should be.
Originally Posted by DubA169

watched the heat okc game

tried to imagine russy as a knick. this fanbase would DESTROY him
I don't think there's been a player in recent time I've wanted to fall to the Knicks more than Russ. Imagine Russy's confidence now.. in Oklahoma City. Now imagine it in New York City.
His lows would be awful with our crappy fans (he certainly wouldn't get cheered if he had an off game like in OKC).. but a couple fastbreak steals and dunks and he would blow the roof off the Garden. 
Originally Posted by throwback1718

who yall want shump holding? Jennings or Ellis?

Monta, for sure.  He's more explosive and more quick off the dribble, plus he can get to the paint at will.

Lin was doing a great job containing Jennings... it sure didn't show in the box sore, but Lin was playing great 1 on 1 d on him, Jennings just sank a lotta tough shots.
Hes gotta guard Monte. Monte is more physical. Jennings is quick, but he was also eating us alive when we were doing all the switching. Since Woodson took over Lin and the rest of the team has been doing a good job at getting back their man. So they should just go str8 up and guard their position. Plus I think Monte would be a little too strong for Lin.

If Amare plays hes gonna have a tough time with Illyosliva (I know I %!+%@! that up). That dude is crazy on the boards most games. But we should get this win tonight. Melo is gonna have to step up this game since Amare isnt gonna be 100% if he plays tho. It would be a great game for him to find his shot going into this last month or so of the season.
Damn, just saw Amare is headed for an MRI on his back. Not good. While I think it might get Melo back on track because he will prolly play PF and be able to beat his man to the hoop at will. We were playing so well. We didnt need this right now. Hopefully Amare is good and its not anything serious.
Originally Posted by throwback1718

who yall want shump holding? Jennings or Ellis?
Monta for sure but I think he got injured the last game so he may still be hobbled. If he is then I say Shump takes turns guarding both. Aint that afraid of Jennings unless he's gets hot. He's a streaky guy. Even with his grudge against us he wasn't the one killing us recently in our losses to the Bucks.
Originally Posted by DubA169

I'm just so damn nervous about amare
Damn this slipped my mind

Oh well I won't even get that mad about  it. Whole league has had a plague of injuries. If it wasn't his back again it would've been something else or somebody else on our team.
Originally Posted by DubA169

starks wasnt playing pg at least. russ is like a mini marbs imo
i was a big marbury fan but i honestly think westbrook has more potential than marbury ever did
If Amar'e is out tonight or gets limited minutes, it's time for Melo to step up to the plate and show this team what he's worth and prove the doubters wrong.

Also, we all love Lin's aggressive style but this dude needs to get under control. The last thing this team needs is for Lin to get injured for a long period of time over 2 points
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