let this thread die (NYK)

As many of us have said for a while now, there's no reason for Melo to be anywhere but down on the blocks. Get it done
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Shump is becoming lethal from 3.

Nahman he can get that percentage up. I love the movement getting easy looks for himShooting is the easiest thing to correct so I'm not worriedI live you Woodson. This is how you use melo. Teams double him in the low post. He goes up or kicks it out for an open shot.
"Was there a Van Gundy sandwich @ Carnagie Deli when you were here?"

JVG: "No there was a Van Gundy dartboard at Carnagie Deli."

Keep this up for the 3rd quarter. Don't let the Magic shoot their way back into this game.
I thought we decided Landry wasn't allowed to take 3's anymore? Apparently he didn't get the message. What's his twitter name?
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