let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

If we're just going to sit here and hope we have a game where JR hits shots, we'll be done in Game 5 because his shot selection is

I'm still amazed at the defensive rotations by Amare today, the hell got over him? His back must've felt great today with the extra time off, hope it doesn't tighten on him too quickly Game 5.
Im not saying we need to rely on that for a W. I liked how we played today. But if JR hits those couple wide open 3s we arent even worried about Wade tying the game at the end. 
Just saying it would be nice if JR had one of those games where he is spot on and our entire offense is clicking rather than just Melo. Or just Amare. I still think we have a shot because the defense has been good after game 1. We just need to see a little firepower from people on offense. 
STAT and Chandler should never be on the same side of the basket. STAT = Weak side Chandler = Strong side too many times they were caught on the same side.

STAT + Melo + PnR = Beautiful
I swear I saw this team finally make an offensive adjustment where Melo came off a cross screen to get Battier's fouling @$! off him

Might have been like twice the whole game though. They still spend too much time trying to make a 5 ft entry pass to Melo

Anyways feel bad for BDiddy, dude plays hard and for it to end like that was sad to see.

One more game
chinese govt slides an envelope to $tern, it's in his best interest if they extend the series. but seriously, hope he doesnt reinjure himself
So we finally win one thanks to our two best players showing out. If we can steal Game 5 in Miami, Game 6 is a dangerous situation for the Heat. It's a lot easier said than done but I'm optimistic regardless.
This series is possible. Remote, but possible. We've been playing good enough defense to win games 2 and 3, but we didn't have enough fire power. If we had the offensive output this game in 2 and 3, series would be vastly different.
Zone defense, STAT + Melo hitting their shots, Lin healthy and JR and Novak playing effective = possibility.
Just be happy tonight guys and dont think about game 5 yet

Melo going for 40 and Stat with 20 and 10
This goes to show that those two can play together. But they need to start playing like this more
how definite is the possibility of Lin playing?

either way, I'm glad we FINALLY got a playoff win. i just hope we carry that same type of play to Miami on game 5.
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

Save Lin for game 6...

 getting a little ahead, don't you think?  I mean without BD, we only got Bibby at pg, so we might need Jeremy, unless if you like Toney D
Why do i have a feeling that amare is gonna beast in game 5, and then somehow we win a nail biter in game 6. Idk what the outcome is in game 7 though.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

If Lin plays, I just hope he doesn't reinjure himself.

Is Toney Douglas so damn bad in Woodson's eyes, we'd risk re-injuring Lin? Plus Lin hasn't even played a game in over a month, Miami is not a defense to play sloppy against. If he can give 10 min of rest to JR/Bibby playing as a competent pg, then I guess that's why he'd come back, but I'm not expecting much from him, although I doubted him before, and "Linsanity" happened....

Was at the game today expecting a funeral, but it was actually a good game, and I at least left saying I'm proud this team fights to the end. This team went through so much this year, I just felt like they deserved a better ending than a first rd sweep. Damn shame we couldn't have shump, lin, and baron healthy for this series, but win 1 game at a time and see what happens.
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