let this thread die (NYK)

i dont care what anyone says, the Lin effect is still showing (indirectly when he is on the bench) but you can see how this team always has a fight in them and never gives up.
2 weeks ago we would have been down by 30 by now.
people hating on jeffries need to remember this game. big time D, intangibles, and the OCCASIONAL jumper. tybj
I love how the crowd was holding their breath when Jefferies shot that
Jeffries has been really earning his respect. I remember when I used to go off on dude and call him a bum all day 

He's really been making a difference lately and I'm sure all NYK fans appreciate it 
Jared Jeffries coming up HUGE no the offensive end; who would of said that before the game.

bailed out walker.
I really want to do an analysis of how many times Bill Walker drives as opposed to shooting right away when he gets the ball on the perimeter.

I'm convinced out of every 10 times he gets it by the 3 pt line, he'll drive once and shoot 9 times.
Looked like sh the whole game, amazed we're still in it. Those jerseys are beyond annoying to look at though.
They are free for a reason

We looked terrible from the start. Just one of those games. Need melo. Need jr also.
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