Let's make everything about RACE (Unapologetically Black Thread)

We need to tell our people that da vaccine will inoculate us from liberal conjecture and innuendo. I will take 3 vaccines as a BLACK MAN.

:rofl:I mean unless black people are getting a different vaccine that white doctors are the conspiracy don't make no sense.
Image may contain: text that says 'Born as a sinner sin is not a African concept. That's the European teaching to kee Yousubmissive.'
that's a non-sequitur fam
Dred Scott a non sequitur?

The reason the Black and White experience is not equal, is because of separate but equal.

White people not being educated isn't because it was against the law, therefore the result of such is not equal due to privilege allowed.

White supremacy bred mediocrity.
Race is a social relationship between people recognizably different in skin color. Recognizability is a necessary element of the relation, but the social aspects of prejudice, exploitation and segregation are the things race is really about. Race has no legitimacy as a biological division of mankind.

Race relations today are a residue of relations between white masters and black slaves. The fact that slaves were black and masters were white was an accident of history. Light skinned Europeans enslaved dark skinned Africans. Europeans had learned about gunpowder from the Chinese and had guns. The Africans didn’t. Skin color was a fact of life that differed between these people. That difference had an ancient and interesting origin, but did not have anything to do with the ability of Europeans to enslave Africans....

The basic change in race ideology that took place at the end of the eighteenth century was to transform the slave who was socially inferior by virtue of enslavement, and was incidentally black, into a person who was inferior because he was black and hence only fitted for slavery….

Why, after three hundred years of slavery did a race theory finally appear? Several things came together. The French Revolution did not just declare that people had personal rights by nature, but that reason ought to hold sway over blind faith. The Age of Reason had been born, and a scientific, and secular, rationale was needed to justify the enslavement of people.

Furthermore, opposition to slavery was beginning to occur. Slave revolts began to give slave masters cause for concern, not to speak of the nascent abolitionist movement. The hypocrisy of the U.S. Constitution which was based on the ideal of human liberty, but recognized the legitimacy of slavery, could be counteracted by the contention that slaves were not quite human, but some sort of inferior race. This was the social basis for the appearance of race ideology as a scientific discipline.

—Richard Fraser, The Struggle Against Slavery in the United States
Dred Scott a non sequitur?

The reason the Black and White experience is not equal, is because of separate but equal.

White people not being educated isn't because it was against the law, therefore the result of such is not equal due to privilege allowed.

White supremacy bred mediocrity.

Lol I never said the black and white experience where equal, im just saying poor whites in the south who are uneducated share the same views about vaccines that you do.
White supremacy bred mediocrity.

I actually expect better from black people but I think that expectation for the most part is reserved for black women. They keep saving this country from itself over and over again.
They do not have the same view of vaccines as I, as I have already stated that I am not an anti vaxxer. I am an anti skip safety protocol'er, as should anyone who understands that one mistake in medicine, can lead to a catastrophe.
The more things change...

He totally skipped over how the Priestesses were ignored, as misogyny was spreading across countries in Africa. The ignoring of those Priestesses is what allowed those supposed traders/invades to be allowed on the continent in the first place. Black Women, African women, tried to save their countries, but they were ignored. The descendants of those women, are those attempting to save this nation and the wealth of Black people in the americas right now. Without those Black women, we'd nary have a pot to piss in, or even be in a position to eventually fight.








We've got to pay attention to what these Women are saying, doing, in this country, so that we do not repeat the mistake of the past.
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