Lets see: Where my broke NTers at?

I'm here and I'm broke. Got laid off months back and still no luck of getting a good. I keep sending out resume and filling out applications, still norespond. It's hard these days...
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Adulthood is overrated

Funny but true....it's not that bad when you got your ducks in a row.But when things go bad, thing get ugly word to Petey Pablo.

I been unemployed since March and just now really starting to feel the effects.I have to have a job before my kids are born.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Last year of college, my excuse for being broke is running out.
, i thought the same thing...

then you'll be using the "this job is for experience" excuse......lol
*rasies hand*

Haven't had a job since the beginning of June

For the most part I've been lazy but I'm 'bout to get off my @@! and look for a job.
i worked a lot and had money.. now i'm working like once a week and am broke. but life is better this way.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by mr5dollarfootlong

been laid off for a few months now
not collecting unemployment ftl, if i did i would have to continue paying off my student loans (i put it on deferrement)
cant even afford to go back to school if i wanted too, smh
cant even get a reg job, seems impossible
just gotta make that dollar stretch
been doing some web design stuff for my friends company, and getting paid a little (better than nothing)
, who told you that nonsense?

if you're unemployed, you can defer due to unemployment...you just gotta reapply every 6 months..

get that unemployment....

(but if youre doing freelance, and don't report it, that's a felony)

i just realized i was considered a pt worker thats why i couldnt get unemployment, and also self-employed because of freelancing

i feel like suing my school for some money

how much do ppl get for their unemployment check? i need that govt money

on the outside but
in the inside
Originally Posted by mr5dollarfootlong

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by mr5dollarfootlong

been laid off for a few months now
not collecting unemployment ftl, if i did i would have to continue paying off my student loans (i put it on deferrement)
cant even afford to go back to school if i wanted too, smh
cant even get a reg job, seems impossible
just gotta make that dollar stretch
been doing some web design stuff for my friends company, and getting paid a little (better than nothing)
, who told you that nonsense?

if you're unemployed, you can defer due to unemployment...you just gotta reapply every 6 months..

get that unemployment....

(but if youre doing freelance, and don't report it, that's a felony)

i just realized i was considered a pt worker thats why i couldnt get unemployment, and also self-employed because of freelancing

i feel like suing my school for some money

how much do ppl get for their unemployment check? i need that govt money

on the outside but
in the inside

i feel you on the inside/outside....

i made 700 a check after taxes and health insurance....

i get 400 every two weeks from unemployment...

yeah, you was PT and freelance? no love.

unemployment, i appreciate it for the rent and all...but i can't even pay all my bills...and they make you wait damn near a month until you get that firstcheck, so it's not like they avoid you losing $#$% or having all your bills go late....

truthfully, the food stamps were not only the most enjoyable system to go through, but have helped the most, easily.

200 a month? i've never once spent that much on food....ever.

i was geeked...and i been smashing.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

truthfully, the food stamps were not only the most enjoyable system to go through, but have helped the most, easily.

Prayin it comes thru for my girl, kuz this will help

Not having to spen money on food, having
a fridge fully loaded, and being able to flip
stamps F T M F W!
SO Im taking my son to disneyland for his bday (bday people get in free on their bday). We have very little to spend. So today I get to work and start working.My boss walks in and starts handing out envelopes. Im thinking "HOLLY CRAP IM ABOUT TO GET CANED". He hands me mine and says "HAPPY LATEBIRTHDAY". I HAVE THIS !@#$%^& look on my face. I said thank you very much. I go to my desk and open it.... ITS A CHECK FOR $456 bucks. Im so effinhappy right now. My son is going to have a great birthday. SHOUTS TO MY BOSS.

Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

truthfully, the food stamps were not only the most enjoyable system to go through, but have helped the most, easily.

Prayin it comes thru for my girl, kuz this will help

Not having to spen money on food, having
a fridge fully loaded, and being able to flip
stamps F T M F W!
, flipping stamps is wrong, imo....

i'm not even overly relgious but i feel blessed to get the stamps i get.....
being a college student with no job (got fired from my on campus one) sucks big time PAUSE
im broke. and i have a job
and its not because i dont kno how to manage my money, its cuz i barely work, in the last 2 weeks ive worked 2 days for 5 hours combined
Stretchin a 10 sack over a 4 day period, shopping at wal-mart, and drinking miller tall boys for the win!

oh wait . . not really.
*raises hand* not because of no job, because of shoes.
Originally Posted by 541 Exile 562

Stretchin a 10 sack over a 4 day period, shopping at wal-mart, and drinking miller tall boys for the win!


I know it's hard out there but gat damn...you don't have to stoop to such levels to make ends meet...or do you...
...word to Oh Snapps

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