Lets talk friends?

Dec 2, 2006
What up NT im just curious to see if im not the only one going through this.

heres the whats going on with me and my friends for about 5 years..they hit me up less and they never invite me to there little kickbacks etc

and when they do finally hit me up they always ask where ive been and i say just doing me etc. but when i ask them why didnt you hit me up there

escuse is i figured you were with your gf (which i rather be with). but when they get a new girl they disapear off the face of the earth but w/e i didnt do that.

but the one thing that bugs is all they like to do is drink and smoke cigs.literally everyweeked its that! no movies,LA shopping,melrose,beach,road trip..just DRINK! Got no problem about it just gets old fast!

Spoiler [+]
well i became the more mature one and just focus on school and work and just stoped calling those friends becasue most likely will disappear with the way they smoke cigs


sorry for the rant just want to hear your stories or opinion
Yo grow apart. Tell them to invite you. If you really care force your way into hang outs and maybe you'll
Get regular invites. It sucks but friends grow apart for dumb
Stuff and it stings.
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Yo grow apart. Tell them to invite you. If you really care force your way into hang outs and maybe you'll
Get regular invites. It sucks but friends grow apart for dumb
Stuff and it stings.

i tried i came around more for a about 2 months like basically every weekend i would kick it and not once they called to kick it.i had to call.i dont expect
evertime but a couple.so i moved on dont expect to have a close friend right now anyways
Originally Posted by thegame2006

What up NT im just curious to see if im not the only one going through this.

heres the whats going on with me and my friends for about 5 years..they hit me up less and they never invite me to there little kickbacks etc

and when they do finally hit me up they always ask where ive been and i say just doing me etc. but when i ask them why didnt you hit me up there

escuse is i figured you were with your gf (which i rather be with). but when they get a new girl they disapear off the face of the earth but w/e i didnt do that.

but the one thing that bugs is all they like to do is drink and smoke cigs.literally everyweeked its that! no movies,LA shopping,melrose,beach,road trip..just DRINK! Got no problem about it just gets old fast!

Spoiler [+]
well i became the more mature one and just focus on school and work and just stoped calling those friends becasue most likely will disappear with the way they smoke cigs


sorry for the rant just want to hear your stories or opinion
Friends come and go bruh. In life you only have that one or two REAL people that are your friends. 
The rest of these dudes are just cool peoples. My childhood buddy passed away this year, and even though I was already distancing myself from a lot of cats it made me realize who really was and wasn't my dudes. 

Get money and take care of your family at the end of the day, that should be your only priority. All this time you're wasting worrying about these cats, for what? They feeding you fam? Are you doing anything productive with them (pause)? Or are ya'll just sitting around just BSing? I mean don't get me wrong I do enjoy hearing from a lot of my dudes, but most of the time I'm not going to go out of my way to appease to them or to sit around and shoot the +*!% with them. 

Get money, have kids, get money and keep it moving fam. At the end of the day you have to realize that life works in phases, the friends you have now will probably now be the same ones you have 5 years from now or 10 years from now. You'll progress through life, meet your wife, and have kids. You'll have things like a mortgage and a car note(s), you'll want nice things and most of all you have to hold down your FAMILY. 

This don't mean dead everyone, just realize who these people are and why they're in  your life. Don't be antisocial, but don't be that eager dude that gets all butthurt for not being at every social event.
seems like both parties don't share the same interests, and with friends, it's a matter of how active you are amongst them to receive regular invites

it's pointless to keep inviting the same person that will never show up because he doesn't like to drink and would rather spend time with his gf
Originally Posted by kiendienn

seems like both parties don't share the same interests, and with friends, it's a matter of how active you are amongst them to receive regular invites

it's pointless to keep inviting the same person that will never show up because he doesn't like to drink and would rather spend time with his gf

this is true also, if you got a girl and your dudes are the types that can't respect that it'll happen that way too. I mean growin up if ya'll get girls together, ran trizzy and all that, and all of the sudden you're wifed up then hey....
you don't need that drama anyways especially if you got something good going. 
You have 3 options...

1.get a girlfriend, she will occupy most of your free time.
2. Make new friends and become close.
3. Hit your old friends back and just do you.
forget them old friends
do you and make new friends along the way

i have friends kind of like that too knew em for years found out they were fake as we got older and got tired of it cut ties and made new friends 
I had 3 really good friends after high school that I'd hang with every weekend. Then all of a sudden we stopped, like at a flick of a switch. I think one got a gf, the other had school ( and he "matured" up) and the other just disappeared (though he sometimes hits me up to say what's up). It was really weird at first because our weekends were such a routine that when I had nothing to do it kind of bugged me out. Since we grew apart, whenever they hit me up to do something I blow them off(pause) and tell them I'm busy. You get used to it, and eventually find new friends. I dont know where the hell I was going with my story.
Nah i feel OP..

Do your own thing, just make sure you get your money and education straight
I think this happens to everyone.  It is all a mind state type thing.  When i was with my girl i had guy friends that had girls and we would kick it while the girls hung out.  But being single now i have 2 really good guy friends and we basically do what your friends do every weekend lol.

Coming from the other side - we text the "married" friends and after about 2 months of no responses, or "well I am hanging with Katy tonight" or something like that we just stop.  If the "married" folk feel like hanging with us single guys they can hit us up.  I hate when my one "married" friend is like why didn't you hit me up?  Well we were at my house like every other friday or saturday drinking and we decided to go out....and craziness ensued.  90% of the things we do are unplanned.  We just sit around and brainstorm.  We aren't purposely not calling or blowing you off.  

But we all realize that if one of us gets a girl things will change.  But having that understanding is the best part.  That way there is no jealousy or petty BS between you guys if anything happens with a female.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by JPTHE3

You neeed some one new , like me .

We should smash , asap .
Ey man did your account get hacked? Sending those ayo pm's and now this

but i aint got that many friends b, then again i do but i never see them because of their kid(s) and or jobs.

being an adult sucks man . . it sucks!
dang no flaming

thanks guys all your input helped a lot!

I have started to make a couple of new friends but not really focused on it at the point

plus my gf treats me great so its hard not to hang with her but then again i need that guy time

thanks again guys!!
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