Let's talk politics

Jan 18, 2011
Hey NT,

I think i'm going to vote this year. I've never voted in the past because quite frankly i didn't think it would make a difference (ever since i experienced that Gore vs. Bush 2000 recount) and i just didn't care. I don't know whether i'm republican or democratic. I guess my peers want me to be democratic because they say that i would benefit from it since i'm a broke student. Personally, I don't favor the rigid views of the republicans as well. I don't believe in this labeling of being a "republican" or "democrat", please excuse my ignorance (someone enlighten me) for i do want to make a difference in this country with my vote.

While i was surfing the internets, i stumbled upon a bunch of youtube vids on Ron Paul and his debates. I know he's "republican" and i'm supposed to be "democrat" so i'm not supposed to like his political views. But i totally disagree with that logic. In my eyes he's of a different political breed. Everything this man speaks about just makes sense to me. Am i wrong to vote for this man if he gets far enough into the Presidential race (sadly, i doubt this will happen)? I'm serious and i need to be educated. Here's a vid that shocked me a bit and shares his character.

Can we discuss?
A vote for Ron Paul is a vote down the toilet. Better to put your chips in with someone who has a tangible chance to win and perhaps do something positive for this country.

My advice?

Read, read and read some more. Don't just read one network's/website's take on a news story. Read many points of view from different ideologies and formulate your own opinion.

Choose your candidate. Consider:

A) Just how in-tune the candidate is to your own personal beliefs and ideas as to how to make this country prosperous and powerful

B) The legitimacy of the candidate's campaign
Choose wisely and congratulations for waking up and (re?)-joining our Democratic society.
Doctor Demise - Thank you for the advice. Point taken, i agree, i'll do more research and make my decision
. I have your thoughts in consideration.

MoneyLicious - i have no idea where Megatron is but i agree that it was indeed Lebron's fault.

yngSIMBA - Thanks for the neat site. I'll try it out but i hope its not a rigged system, lol.
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