Li-Ning Thread

I just got my Cautions in today god the quality on these shoes are CRAZY! I wish I was up on these earlier. 
Sting wades

Thanks.  I've been contemplating about copping these but at $206 shipped and the drops from last week, I'm spent.  
I wouldn't say sitting. Sizes are sold out.

I like them, but between Raz Fuego's, Pink All-Stars, Birthday's, and 2 LeBron iD's...I'm TAPPED out. But if they were Snow Leopards...I would find a way lol. This is a beautiful shoe either way.
Just can't get myself to pull the trigger on these, I keep seeing Ronald McDonald wearing leopard print...
yea I much rather have my code reds than these. But I knock no ones style. 

Snow Leopards is a different story.
For everyone that doesn't know, NBA store coupons work on the WoW site. I have a bday coupon for 20% off and I still can't pull the trigger on these at $160 
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