Life Help: Need to go green for that green...

Aug 9, 2012
Trying to see if anyone on NT can help me out with some information.

I'm still finishing school right now, currently have about two years to go, and my focus is in the renewable energy field. Solar panels, Wind Turbines, or maybe something to do with the grid. I'm trying to figure out something entry level I can do in the field while I pursue my environmental degree. I currently work as a Tech specialist, tier 1 stuff. I loathe the position and I know if I can get into the field of energy right now I can build my way up while I'm waiting to finish my degree. So I'm wondering since we do have some very accomplished professionals on NT, if anyone has or is in this situation, or already works in the renewable energy field and has some advice on possible job opportunities? I live in San Antonio, which is growing rapidly in that sector, I just really don't know of anything low level that you can do in the field without a degree... I know there's the selling of solar panels, which I am looking into, and my friend just let me know about a company called energy-one dealing with energy efficient windows. Hopefully there's maybe a telecommunication center I can look into that deals with something solar or whatever renewable.
 So I'm pretty much looking for some NT guidance, I can't continue going to school and working this job I currently have, I need something I'm interested in so I can perform well. Appreciate the help, up votes for helpful.
I think the biggest area is energy storage. If you can develop a cost effective, scalable solution to store excess electricity, that would be a gold mine.

Current solutions being investigated are molten salt, compressed air and pumped hydro.

Without advances in energy storage, we will never get to large adaption of solar and wind power. These are just too intermittent.
I'm not in the renewable energy field but I studied environmental science in college and have some insight in the field.

What's your end goal - do you want to be involved in the business or science side of the field?

In terms of something you can do while finishing your degree, I'd suggest looking into some sort of renewable energy sales/advocacy position. There's companies out there that focus on selling renewable energy to consumers and businesses (look up Green Mountain Energy - I interviewed for them in NY - may not operate in San Antonio). I assume your tech support background (I'm assuming that's what tech specialist means) would make you an attractive candidate for a company that does sales - either in person or over the phone. You also may want to look for jobs where you support consumers who have purchased a renewable energy product.

Even if you really don't like your current position, figure out ways that it has helped you develop certain useful skills, such as sales or the ability to explain complicated technology to a consumer.

couple helpful links for the job search:

Also, if you're not set on renewable energy but want something environmental, there's a fair amount of environmental consulting/engineering jobs out there
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Good info, I appreciate it.

I definitely want to be on the science side of things, I'm pursuing a environmental engineering degree. I feel after all is said and done, I'd like to deal with monitoring the power inverted from the different renewable sources, or something like you mentioned with consulting building or residential property on efficiency benefits and placement/design.

As of now I'd be most interested in assisting the costumers through telemarketing, the ones that have already purchase renewable products, because that area taps into my skill set, and the learning curve will be tremendous. Working on the technical problems and the financial side of integrating these materials with homes. I just have to see if we have anything like that around me in SA.

Our mayor Castro is very energy oriented when it comes to bringing Green to SA, so I know there's a lot of opportunity, but its either higher level sales or hands on, and for right now I'm just trying to stay with what I know, which is talking to people, and explaining things. I will convert if need be, I just know I need to stay in that field..

Also, if you don't mind, what did you end up doing with your environmental science degree?
Good info, I appreciate it.

I definitely want to be on the science side of things, I'm pursuing a environmental engineering degree. I feel after all is said and done, I'd like to deal with monitoring the power inverted from the different renewable sources, or something like you mentioned with consulting building or residential property on efficiency benefits and placement/design.

As of now I'd be most interested in assisting the costumers through telemarketing, the ones that have already purchase renewable products, because that area taps into my skill set, and the learning curve will be tremendous. Working on the technical problems and the financial side of integrating these materials with homes. I just have to see if we have anything like that around me in SA.

Our mayor Castro is very energy oriented when it comes to bringing Green to SA, so I know there's a lot of opportunity, but its either higher level sales or hands on, and for right now I'm just trying to stay with what I know, which is talking to people, and explaining things. I will convert if need be, I just know I need to stay in that field..

Also, if you don't mind, what did you end up doing with your environmental science degree?
Working in environmental/economic consulting now - not really renewable energy related. Will probably go back and get a masters and/or PhD within the next few years (or start the process that is). My background wasn't too heavy in renewable energy/engineering so that's less up my ally. More into the analytical rather than scientific side of things if that makes any sense.

May want to look at opportunities through your school - they may have green student organizations or something along those lines where you could gain a little more hands-on experience.
I'm actually involved in a sustainability student organization and this is a good discussion I wish more people would get into.

I just read an article on the NY times about how big the LED industry is projected to grow - something like $12.5 billion to $80 billion with many traditional light companies like GE and Philips having to compete with smaller companies that are working to improve the field of home electronic appliances. Compact fluorescent lightbulbs need to reduce or replace the manufactured mercury and smarter uses of electricity are all being tested across the country. I think this is the sort of field I want to focus my research on for the rest of my undergrad.

My student org is actually building a solar powered cart system which will provide power to a refrigerator. it will be pretty cool whenever it gets finished.

Some of my buddies are chem E's and they are interested in fuel cell technology research. Something like with the proper catalyst you can have a clean byproduct of water or oxygen. Also an EE I know is into nuclear engineering and he said thorium reactors are a promising field for energy. I think af1 1982 mentioned he was studying for a major or minor in that so maybe you could ask him about that...

One last thing. My student org is actually presenting a research proposal on rainwater conservation. We have a lot ofassumptions but we do it so the rest of the data we have is still presentable or correct... In certain contexts. If you can have this sort of analytical skill you could probably do well in selling your ideas in whatever field you end up going into.

Edit: I'm not saying you should flat out lie but just stating the obvious - real life applications or situations are based off a lot of thought out assumptions. You probably know better than I do... Lying is the marketing major's job. LOL my dentist said that to my older sister hahaha...
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LED's are now being introduced into horticulture

Ill probably enter into some solar panel schooling at my local CC
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