liqour tips? whats the strongest liqour you can order at a bar?

Oct 18, 2006
just wondering , i dont drink much but when me and the fellas go out the clubs, i wonder how *!$!%# up these people get. Besides getting a bunch of shots,whats a drink that you can get messed up on after a few sips or a few glass? not trying to get anybody drunk but i do have a homie that thinks he a mister badd**@ and i want to dare him to get the drinks you guys can suggest... thanks in advance.. and NO i am not GAY LOL..
Herion... Im telling you it will change your life!!!!!

Crack is for pushshies!!! No Bobby Browns on my team
so if i walk up to a bartender, just say "herion"? or does bartender call it differently? and is this a shot or actually a drink like adios? thanks..and i really dont know much about alcohol so bare with me fellas.. thanks..
Originally Posted by hyphy101

so if i walk up to a bartender, just say "herion"? we also gots a trip coming up at vegas so we might try it there...

You have to have the proper swag + be at the right bar to get served! No vein No pain yah dig

Just dont over dose drink
^^ what do you mean by that? wow this is very helpfull LOL.. when it comes to bar etiquitte.. i can learn a few thangs..
Originally Posted by hyphy101

so if i walk up to a bartender, just say "herion"? or does bartender call it differently? and is this a shot or actually a drink like adios? thanks.. and i really dont know much about alcohol so bare with me fellas.. thanks..

You cannot be serious
...This guy.....

The strongest drink I know is called the Quickie, just ask the bartender for a quickie. You'll be layed out in no time
Something tells me eddiebauer is being sarcastic...iuno about asking for herion in vegas the'll probably give you exactly what your asking for and i'mnot talking about the drink lol

But as for strong drinks i think Long Islands are good since there's like 5 different liqours in there, but it depends on who makes it
^^ kix^^ im so dead serious man.. i dont know jack about how to get drinks in the club.. i just dont want to look stupid and ask for a drink that a bartenderwont know.. LOL..
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by hyphy101

so if i walk up to a bartender, just say "herion"? or does bartender call it differently? and is this a shot or actually a drink like adios? thanks.. and i really dont know much about alcohol so bare with me fellas.. thanks..

You cannot be serious
...This guy.....

The strongest drink I know is called the Quickie, just ask the bartender for a quickie. You'll be layed out in no time
A shot of Everclear was the one that sent me to the trashcan for the first and only time. But I was drinkin way too much that night anyway

Strongest I go now is Bacardi 151. Few shots over an hour will have you just right
Originally Posted by hyphy101

^^ kix^^ im so dead serious man.. i dont know jack about how to get drinks in the club.. i just dont want to look stupid and ask for a drink that a bartender wont know.. LOL..

Ask for a quickie bro the bartender will know what's up
so when i order my drinks at a bar do i tell them " 1 everclear"? or 1 "quickie"? LOL.. thanks in advance yall
"1 shot 151"

Spoiler [+]
... have fun #$##@%*# your pants on the dance floor.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Ask for the Everclear first then the Quickie
at some point the op will get this but I have a feeling that it wont be until after he leaves the bar. I hope him and the bartender dont play forthe same team
at him not getting the joke.

But all jokes aside... just ask for a shot of Everclear. Your boy won't be able to physically finish more than that at one time... it is the closest topure alcohol you can get. If your boy is still talking %*%* after, give him another one within a 20 minute period of the first one and he'll be done forthe night

Strongest? Probably Liquid Cocaine at City Nights in San Francisco. This was when I had a super high alcohol tolerance, and so did most of my boys. Man, 2shots of this, and you're done. My boy took 3, and he lost his rental car keys that night. We had to pack 8 people in a civic that night, one crazynight....

Edit: I know this drink has 151 in it for sure. The rest I forgot what was in it, and I don't want to remember.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Strongest? Probably Liquid Cocaine at City Nights in San Francisco. This was when I had a super high alcohol tolerance, and so did most of my boys. Man, 2 shots of this, and you're done. My boy took 3, and he lost his rental car keys that night. We had to pack 8 people in a civic that night, one crazy night....

Edit: I know this drink has 151 in it for sure. The rest I forgot what was in it, and I don't want to remember.

That %*%+ is so nasty son

Drink was hella popular bout 3-4 yrs ago.

You right tho 2 shots and u get that extra lean in your step

I believe its 151, Jager, and Goldschlager
I have been to very few bars that actually stocked everclear, so I donno how common that is (it isn't on the east coast/midwest at least). The highestproof that most bars carry is Bacardi 151. Also alot of bars have recently started stocking absinthe around my way, which is generally like 120 proof (notbacardi, but it will do the trick.)

My thing is though, if you aren't a drinker, I would not really recommend trying to go out to the bar and start downing 151. I've been going to the barfor 8 years now and the two times I have ever decided 151 was a good idea it did not end well. The first time had me passed out in some bushes for about 2hours in front of my friends apartment complex after we left, the second and I was walking through the club just grabbing random girls backsides. I wasn'tproud of myself in the AM in either case.

My advice would be either some pre-game action before you go out, or keep it kind of easy and go with shots of something like Jameson, or if you want to getreal pissy some cane rum or "Wild Turkey" (101 proof). Anything stronger is not going to give you the result you are hoping for, trust me.
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