List A Good Deed You Performed Within The Last Couple Of Weeks.

Jan 18, 2008
Ok, so this guy in my Managerial Accounting class was saving all of his Excel work on a floppy disk...
..... I know, horrible....So from the kindness ofmy heart, I gave him my 4 GB SanDisk Flash Drive....I don't think dude was that blessed to have much or his mom/dad couldn't provide him with such athing.....I felt bad at the moment, so that's why I decided to give him the flash drive.

Post some of your good deeds within the last couple of weeks, if you have any...
Last week, I was walking in the mall and seen this little todler walkingaround all over the mall by herself...kid looked homeless, I was appauled. Ran after her and walked her over to the information both...minutes later her uniftmother comes running over...I was like call childrens aid on her....but no one did....

Good Karma followed me that day
Sold my Linens to a kid who was looking for a pair real bad, I didnt even have them a week b4 he was asking about them.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Helped my mom fix her new closet (took 2 hours) and drove to the train station topickup my pops (yesterday midnight)[/color]
I was walking back to my house when I see a little kid that just started riding a bike bombing down the hill. He swerved and just landed flat on his face andstarted crying. As soon as that happened I rushed to him wiped off his tears and said "big boys don't cry". His mother thanked me.
I got off NT and laid the pipe with the wife. She should consider herself lucky...some guys rather stay on NT. LOLZ!
My boy got into 2 fights this past weekend in a span of 15 minutes down in Long Beach, Grand Prix Weekend. Clubs were letting everyone out, and he was drunkout of his mind. He got into a fist fight with one group of dudes then as we were running away from the cops who were trying to figure out what was happening,he swung at another dude who then told his buddy. His buddy went after my boy, my boy socked him good, and as we're walking away, these grimey dudessnitched on us to the cops. So the cops stopped and questioned us. I had to call another buddy whose with Long Beach PD to vouch for us. Too bad he was inVegas, so I had to give one of the officers questioning us my cell phone.
After those snitches stopped complaining to the cops, they let us go.

The guy my boy socked must have had a broken nose because he was bleeding all over the place so my man could have easily been arrested for public drunkenness,assault, etc. I saved my boy from arrest and getting beat up by a mob so thats my great service. I am just pissed that my AM95's were scuffed all over fromthis madness.
Originally Posted by FreshProduct

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Helped my mom fix her new closet (took 2 hours) and drove to the train station to pickup my pops (yesterday midnight)[/color]

if you think this is a good deed
Sometimes when I get off work and don't feel like going straight home I stop by this arcade
at the mall close by.

One of those days, I just wanted to be alone play some MvC2. Little kid hopped on the stick next to me.
I won, then gave him 2 tokens for a rematch...won again.

Realized I should have been on my home. Let him finish my game for me and gave him about 2 dollars worth of tokens.
Told him to practice.
I was walking from the subway to my car, and I was walking down the stairs. This mom was with her baby in a carriage, and she didn't know how she was gonnado it. So I went around, helped her bring the carriage up the stairs, and went on my way
I dont carry cash with me but a homeless guy was sitting outside at a McDonalds next to my work. He was asking me for some change and most of the time Iusually give them what I can spare. I told him I didnt have any cash on me so I bought him a double cheeseburger instead. I still felt bad because I felt likeI could have given him more. All these people were looking at me wierd when I left my food at the table and walked outside to hand this guy a burger but when Iwalked back inside they all looked down.
dude ran out of gas in front of the crib so I gave him some gas. He offered some money, but I told him he was good. Now I can't cut the grass
Originally Posted by Uter Zorker

Originally Posted by FreshProduct

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Helped my mom fix her new closet (took 2 hours) and drove to the train station to pickup my pops (yesterday midnight)[/color]

if you think this is a good deed

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] Ehh normally I would've said No, took time out from the Lakers game to goand pick him up.. good deed imo[/color]
Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

dude ran out of gas in front of the crib so I gave him some gas. He offered some money, but I told him he was good. Now I can't cut the grass

Day 1: found a Coach purse with car keys attached at a Starbucks in a rich neighborhood. Got the purse and gave it to the clerk which called out and foundthe white middle aged girl it belonged to

Day 2: I was driving down my block and came across a crying asian kid (no more then 3 years old) in the middle of the street. Asked kid where he lived, kiddidn't know. So we walked around the block until he recognized his house and then he ran towards it. I knock on the door and the door opens a bit, I startyelling hello into the house and his pops comes down. This guy didn't even notice his child left the house

Day 3 Proof of Karma: I get pulled over doing 160kph, 60 over the speed limit...cop takes my licence, goes to his car for less then a minute then comes backthrows it on my lap and tells me to get the @#^! out of there. I was tripping, believe me, I've gotten a ticket for 10 over before. Next day I find out thefines for going 50 over in ontario is; 6 points. car gets impounded for a week, license suspended for 7 days, along with a hefty fine of at least $2000 and Iwas going 60....never doing that &^#$ again.
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