Bitcoins has made me a ton of money this year 
Started reading up on Bitcoins today, and now I hear about Litecoins, the hole gets deeper and deeper.

It's stated these system are really poppin off in China and some other countries..
:lol: :smh:

Folks thinkin this will be like GTA V and just buy and sell at 1000% profit. Good luck fellas.
it was used to buy illegal and legal things

now its full blown into buying legit items and being used at retailers around the world. its blown up big time.
I w
it was used to buy illegal and legal things

now its full blown into buying legit items and being used at retailers around the world. its blown up big time.
I wouldn't quite say it's 'full blown,' but there are definitely more uses for it now than there were a year ago. It still has a ton of room To expand as far as places that can use it.
:lol: :smh:

Folks thinkin this will be like GTA V and just buy and sell at 1000% profit. Good luck fellas.

not really.

but there is certainly money to be made, no doubt about that.

this thread is merely a hub to familiarize ourselves and learn what this stuff is all about. I think we only have a couple people in here that have actually copped any "coins", and I'm almost positive it was prior to any of these threads being made.
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man feathercoin went up

i dont know exactly how to buy otherwise i would have bought it at 0.72 last night :smh:
Jumping in on the lite coins prolly within the next 10 days. Got a G to blow and wouldn't mind a good come up
bout to buy 1 bitcoin and hopefully flip it idk how but wish me luck
while i would surely love to get in on this flip is anyone else paranoid that this is slowly bringing us closer and closer to a one world currency
Buy it, invest ~50 into 10 different altcoins. If one of them hits over the next year, you win. If not you still have Half of one BTC.

Thanks for the info bro. Im using Coinbase though, how do you transfer that to other wallets?
Where can I see a list of altcoins and their histories. I am pretty sure I will be getting into Litecoins and what Dronessaid about only investing half a BITcoin seems like a great idea since BITcoins seem to be getting more and more stable/ widely accepted
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