Live-Action Star Wars on Disney+ | Skeleton Crew | December 3 | R.I.P. Carl Weathers | The Acolyte canceled

Did you like Chapter 3?

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I thought Part III was better than the first two episodes.

Vader straight-up killed a kid on this show. :wow:

He was definitely holding back on Obi-Wan when they met.

Glad to hear James Earl Jones as Darth Vader one more time.
straight cracked that neck 🤣
Damn! Didn’t expect to see them face off so early! I feel like Vader let Obi wan escape on purpose. Kind of like a Cat playing around with a injured mouse. Vader is maybe in it for the thrill of the chase.

Maybe he knows about the Jedi smuggling ring. And he wants to see where Obi wan will run to for help, or who his acquaintances are.

My predication is Vader is gonna find out that Bail Organa has a network of spies working within the empire, and that’s the real reason Aldeeran was chosen as the test planet for the Death Star.
😮 Wow! JEJ is back! So awesome hearing his voice again.
They really dove right in! Breaking necks left and right!
That Vader vs ObiWan scene totally gave me Vader vs Luke (Bespin) vibes.
And it's interesting to see ObiWan and Leia start to build their relationship and how it will evolve.
And I see what you guys are saying... it does feel like he could have disabled that service droid who was helping ObiWan... seemed like he was just toying with him.
During that little truck ride, I dunno why I was getting so nervous for ObiWan and Leia's safety... 😅
I read that scene as Reva just decided check in on that shop on a hunch, gut-feeling... and ended up finding that hidden room. I guess if you have a map of the area, you can have a general idea of where the tunnel led to? Then find a speeder and head straight there?
Nice to hear the familiar JEJ voice.

So the Grand Inquisitor really just died so easily, got Rupert Friend to act in such a bit role?
Funniest part to me was Obi-wan dipping right after Vader says "I am what you made me".

Vader probably had that line in his head for years, rehearsing it, waiting to finally drop it on Obi to see his reaction and Obi said


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obi never believed anakin killed them younglings even after seeing the jedi temple recordings

had to see that **** live and in person vader cracking a poor kids neck and dragging and killing old women and poor innocent village people for him to understand how evil anakin was.

running away like vader was jason voorhies
Loved the episode…but i got one gripe…

my guy Vader got PTSD from fire? why he let the loader droid just take Obi-Wan like that when he out there force choking, dragging, breaking necks, etc…

Other than that, another solid episode. You can already tell the Inquisitors own ambitions will be their own undoing.

When Vader pulled up and brought out the Lightsaber on Obi-Wan i sat up and said ‘oh **** we’re doing this now?!’ :lol: I thought they would drag the chase out more, but they’re not ****in around here.

Vader putting Obi-Wan to burn and watching him this time :wow:
Basically he let him get away so he can track him down and take out whoever is helping him along the way with the rebellion.
ive only seen the films and live action series on D+...

has obi wans brother been revealed elsewhere?

has it always been hinted at?

or is that a new revelation?
ive only seen the films and live action series on D+...

has obi wans brother been revealed elsewhere?

has it always been hinted at?

or is that a new revelation?
I don't think so. Maybe they'll refer to it during his current comic book run in later issues.
I thought it was cool to see the Inquisitor base in live-action. That was directly from Fallen Order, right?

We actually have prime Vader in live-action. We saw a glimpse of it at the end of Rogue One (and yes, in Rebels/Clone Wars but that was animation) I really hope they announce a season of Vader or Season 2 of Obi-Wan.

I also hope other Jedi cameo in this series. I have a feeling Qui-Gon will show up by the finale lol.
the way they are building it up im guessing reva redeems herself by sacrificing herself in the end
ngl the lightsaber fight was kinda boring. they both moving all slow and **** like a cripple (i know vader is a cripple but still) i feel like i could beat vader in a duel. the final match imma need them to do back flips and high speed slicing and dicing like they did in episode 3 lol
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